In this picture I was about five years old, which would make my sister Kristie three or four and my Dad around twenty five? Now thats a long time ago. Those truly were the sweet times. Living at home. Your own room. Your own stuff. No worries. Life was about having fun. I can remember my pink and orange shag carpet that I had in my room! My Mom enjoyed taking care of us girls. Always fixing our hair and clothing us with the cutest (sometimes matching) outfits. Standing barely above the bathroom counter, I can remember getting my hair put up in pig tails or braids every morning.
My Mom was a "stay at home Mom", something that was pretty common back in those days. She took pride in her clean decorated home along with her clean decorated girls (ha ha). She worked at the elementary school in the library when were were in lower elementary. I remember being so excited to see her when it was library time.
My Dad enjoyed having fun with us. He took us girls ice skating down at the pond that was at the end of our road. I remember that being such a big deal. My Mom would make us a thermos of hot cocoa and we would go down to the pond, skating for hours. That and us also having a snowmobile made for fun times in the winter. Well, except for the winter I got a new pair of ice skates, put them on to skate on the icey road and fell in such a way that my right leg was fractured in three places! I was in first grade. My Mom was watching from the kitchen window. She motioned for me to get up, not realizing the severity of my injury. I lay there screaming. Long story short, she got me, my Dad came home from work and we went to St. Joe's in Pontiac for repair.
My sister and I had so much fun growing up together. Especially when we were little and played with all of our baby dolls and kitchen stuff (which included the refrigerator, stove, table, baby doll high chair, dishes...ect). Super fun. I remember being sent to our rooms for fighting and we would end up with half of our bodies out in the hallway playing barbies together after a little while.
We had a pretty sweet life.