Last night John and I went to a christian musical at a church about a half hour away. It was called "The Choice" and it was very good. Very long, but good.
This post is not about the musical. Its about the people.
People are funny. Should come as no surprise, but I'm always surprised.
On the way there it was snowing. The type that makes for slippery roads. We actually witnessed a smash 'em up accident! I don't know if I have ever seen one in action. Doesn't look like anyone was hurt but the car that rear ended someone was super smashed.
Anyhow. Someone was in a hurry behind us. We weren't moving fast enough. You pretty much encounter that on any given day on the roadways, but its a bit irritating when you are trying to be cautious on slippery roads, especially when you've just witnessed an accident. Maybe this bozo didn't see it. He was in a hurry! He had places to go! After going around us he ended up in front of us. He was then tailing the person in front of him. Like I said, he was in a hurry.
Funny thing. He was going in the same direction as us. It was becoming obvious that he was headed for the same destination as we were. The musical was to begin in about 9 minutes. We could see up ahead that he was pulling into the parking lot. I laughed and told John that we should offer him some assistance since it looked like we would be parking right next to him. As we approached the parking spot that we were being led into by the 'parking police', the guy and his girlfriend/wife/sister were getting out of their car. They looked at us as if saying, "what?"
We go inside the huge church and find our way to the sanctuary for seating. Once inside, a man who appears to be an usher asks if we would like assistance. Our tickets state a specific row to be seated in so we accept. As we are trying to maneuver through the crowded aisle, an older man is pushing a woman in a wheel chair going in the opposite direction. He was also in a hurry because he didn't care that I was standing in his way when he abruptly turned to go in our direction. A little close for comfort...he runs over my foot! No apologies. I just smile and keep walking.
We find our seats and see that several people from John's work are also there and already seated behind us. I'm pleasantly surprised. I'm not absolutely sure where most of them stand with God but I've got a good idea. One of the older men who is seated directly behind us says hello and comments on the play and the church. He seen it last year and really enjoyed it. Then he says to John, "this is a big @-- church!" On the way home John tells me that he overheard that same man tell his family, "maybe this will count and we won't have to go to church on Sunday!"
During intermission I was standing in line to visit the ladies room. I was in between two older women who began talking to me. The one behind me smiled and asked if the woman in front of me was my mother. I'm guessing that they were both in their late 70's. The woman in front of me explained that she hadn't planned on coming but someone at the assisted living home where she had recently moved into for some reason had not been able to come and so she ended up with that person's ticket. I wondered to myself if it was a divine appointment. Do I sometimes think too much into stuff like that? Maybe. But its how my brain works and has since March 2003. It was then that I had my own divine appointment.
I'm certainly not perfect myself and I'm not standing in judgement of any of these people. I just enjoy blogging and last night gave me a new post!