Its that time of year again. Looking forward to a snow day.
My kids were due to go back to school today after having all last week off for Thanksgiving.
Now that we have had snow and with any hint of a snow storm, me and the kids start dreaming of a snow day. I'm checking the weather tracker online, walking to the back patio door and flipping on the light to see how much, if any, accumulation and then listening to one of the kids, "Oh man, I hope tomorrow is a snow day." Over and over. Repeat. Like the directions on the bottle of shampoo. Do this and this and then repeat. That is us, hoping for that blessed snow day.
I like snow days too. Snow day = sleeping in for me. I LOVE sleeping in. Plus, not getting up and making sack lunches. That whole rush thing. Don't love it.
And then this morning comes. While still very much half asleep, I get up and turn on the local news, reading all of the school closings at the bottom of the screen. I'm waiting for our area to show up. Rachel is in her robe just out of the shower with her cell phone in her hand. She shows me a text from the neighbor girl. It says, "No school today. Snow Day!" I'm like, cool.
Then Matt comes in my room and pops the big sleep/stay home bubble, "We DO have school."
I double check on the television and indeed, our area doesn't show up on the school closings list.
JUST to make sure, Rachel and I hurry down to the computer to check the school district's website. Okay. Yes. School. Bummer.
Everyone kicks into gear and gets ready.
Matt is very tired and pours himself a cup of coffee, saying he needs it desperately this morning. All four of my kids enjoy a cup of coffee with some flavored creamer...they got that from their Momma. Just not every day.
I'm in the kitchen packing lunches. I hear, "Oh!!!!", like something is wrong. Like, "Oh crap!"
I remember that Matt is sitting at the computer drinking his coffee.
Big bummer. He spilled it ON the keyboard.
Long story short: the keyboard died and I had to go to the store and fork out extra cashola for a new one. And not the cheap kind either. Has to be one that is compatible with our Mac. Of course they only had one to choose from.
Of course.
If only it had been a snow day.