The LORD is my sheperd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.
~Psalms 23: 1-3
Praying that our three men will have a time of great restoring and will be brought back safely to us.
How beautifully put.....
Protect them oh Lord!!!!!
Gorgeous!...come home safely, oh manly men! =)
Doesn't this picture just fit perfectly with that Psalm? I would really love to enjoy such scenery -- minus the tent-sleeping, sweat-smelling, back-breaking hardship of it all. Am I asking too much?
God bless 'em for workin' off some o' that testerone another way! And keep 'em in His care!
I thought it was a gorgeous picture, and its actually from there.
And that part of the Psalm IS perfect.
As a family we have been praying for them every night.
Thank you Ronda & family!!
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