I was on my way home yesterday after picking up Rachel from school and had Joyce Meyer on the radio. I don't listen to her on a regular basis but had the station on and continued to listen as her fifteen minute radio program came on. I forgot how much I do enjoy listening to her. She sprinkles her messages with humor as she presents truth in our lives.
She was talking about forgiveness and how we as Christians have to forgive. We have to. Whether we want to or not. She was giving out several senarios and when she got to a part that I could very much relate to, I burst out laughing. And kept laughing the whole way home, thinking, how true. Maybe not to that extreme, but close.
I admit. I'm like most people and get very irritated with well, other people. Especially people on the road. The Lord knows I need more patience and forgiveness in that area. And I try. I really do. Some days I am really proud of my response to their ignorance. Patient. Smiling. No big deal.
Then there are other days. And this is where Joyce got me laughing...
She is describing how we can be singing songs of praise as we drive to the store and then as we are creeping up to our spot, WHAM!, someone else parks in that spot and (here is the funny) we get so mad and irritated with that person that we want to get out of our car and BEAT THEIR HEAD OFF! That was her exact words. I was laughing so hard, mostly because of the way she says it. "BEAT THEIR HEAD OFF!". Its a little over the top, but isn't that how we feel sometimes?
We live in a selfish world and I really need to stop being so surprised by people's actions. Its my response/actions that should be so different. Forgive and go on.
Its what Jesus would expect and no less.
Hello? (this is what Joyce says when she wants to hear an "Amen!")
Thank you Joyce for that message and I will try harder. I am especially grateful that I will most likely hear her words and laugh when those situations arise.
Guilty as charged....always a work in progress for we Christians..!
Thanks Joyce for trying to keep us in Line!
OH I almost forgot...AMEN SISTA!
That is funny! And I gotta give a big AMEN!
I have been listening to Joyce on tv in the mornings while I'm getting ready for work.
Man, that lady has got it. Good words.
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