To gain a better understanding of (and to keep me hyped up about my coupon/sale savings), I searched for some older sales receipts from Meijer to compare them to the last two trips.
I was very excited last night after my shopping trip. Not only did I have coupons, but Meijer also had their 10 items for $10 and get the 11th item free (I took advantage and got 33 items) AND if you used your Meijer card, you saved 15% off general merchandise. I knew it could mean big savings.
Since the newspapers from last weekend did not have any coupons due to the "holiday", I had to dig into my still very meager supply of coupons. Not for long though ~ I am due to receive 400 coupons in the mail here sometime within the week. I bid on them on ebay. Wa-hoo! I paid $10 for all of them and plan on saving a bundle.
Anyhow. Armed with a serious list of this week's menu, sale items and coupons, I headed out.
When my shopping was near the end, I felt like a hit the jackpot. Two tall stands full of reduced produce came into sight. Strawberries, blueberries, red peppers and mushrooms, even dog bones, all marked anywhere from .23 to $1.29.
Then. Then! My Dad goes through the checkout and GUESS what he got? Go ahead, guess.
You got it, another $8.00 coupon to be redeemed when you spent over $105, and he practically jumped for joy as he handed it to me. That was a large part of our conversation on the way home. Two weeks in a row? Sa-weet.
So all this to say, I am really starting to get a good handle on the "savings today" section at the top of my sales receipt. I gathered a few old receipts to compare. This is what I found:
Total Meijer Promotions 13.14
Total Non-Coupon Savings 17.02
Total Coupon Savings 9.25
Savings Total 39.41
Total Non-Coupon Savings 25.94
Total Coupon Savings 5.10
Savings Total 31.04
Total Meijer Promotions 1.59
Total Non-Coupon Savings 27.11
Total Coupon Savings 8.50
Savings Total 37.20
**You can see the pattern, not much in coupons**
Now here is where it gets fun.
Total Meijer Promotions 8.00 (my coupon from my Dad)
Total Non-Coupon Savings 48.84
Total Coupons Savings 37.13
Savings Total 88.97
Total Meijer Promotions 21.13
Total Non-Coupon Savings 61.37
Total Coupons Savings 27.45
Savings Total 109.95
Now THAT is exciting.
If I could only be as excited about my treadmill, which is hollering for me as we speak.
Truly amazing...I can't believe the savings you are getting. I guess I need to sign up for the class that you will be leading as soon as everyone reads and hears how you save so much weekly. Unreal!!!!!
400 coupons....WOW...the poor cashier that gets you next time...Oh my they better be sitting on a stool...LOL!!!
I LOVE it. A lot.
Not the treadmill. :)
Just thought I'd clarify.
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