A few weeks later a packet arrived in the mail with all of the information about our newly sponsored child. Gidion was five years old and lives in Tanzania with his family which consists of his father, mother and four siblings. A picture of him was attached to the Child Profile sheet. My heart melted.

We began receiving letters along with pictures that he had drawn for us about three to four times a year. His words are written in his native language and then translated to english. Here is a copy of part of his most recent letter:

In it, he thanks us for the money we sent for his birthday. He turned ten years old on January 1st. When we send gift money, they always take a picture of him with his goods that he was able to buy. Here he is shown with what he was able to purchase this time: shoes, sugar, rice, beans, shoe cream and a pen. He always looks so happy to show us his newly purchased items.

At the end of this most recent letter, like most of his other letters, it says, "He prays for you to have a long and blessed life."
This time, he also added,"Goodbye friend, God bless you a lot." Tears welled up in my eyes as I read that.
Buy sponsoring him, we are blessing his precious life by providing him with: Bible teaching, health screening and education, hygiene care, social and recreational activities, school enrollment and materials and HIV/AIDS prevention programs as well as prayer.
He has blessed our life with his simple love.
"...and whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me."
-Matthew 18:5
Go to Compassion International and sponsor a child today.
Shari, this post brought tears to my eyes.
THank you for sharing.
It is the simple things in life that we do for someone in need...this is really touching
He is such a sweet little boy.
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