Kids have been out of school for a week.
Nice to sleep in.
No more homework.
John & Matt are out in the wild with Mike.
Won't see them until next Thursday night.
Miss them.
Matt will be seventeen tomorrow.
Happy Birthday Matthew Jacob!
Took the other three kids to Cedar Point last weekend.
Rollercoasters and thrill rides, oh my!
Also stayed in a hotel. With a water park.
Super fun.
Good times spent with Josh, Rachel & Alec.
Josh informed me that his desire right now is to join the Air Force.
I don't like that.
I kept trying to change the subject.
Krista has more pull and said she doesn't like it either. At. All.
There was a mean guy at the water park with his 7 year old daughter.
He yelled and yelled and yelled at her.
For not doing the big water slides.
She was afraid.
He didn't care.
He yelled and yelled and yelled at her.
In public.
I couldn't stand it.
Me and another mother stepped in and tried to help.
Did I mention this guy was scarey looking?
Poor little girl.
I prayed for them.
I had Micah all day today.
Loved every minute.
He is so much fun.
We kept busy with him indoors and out.
Went to the park.
I love it when he holds his arms out to me and says, "hold you".
He has me wrapped around his finger.
Brooke came to stay a few days with Rachel.
They haven't seen each other since New Year's!
Alec had an allergic reaction today.
Pretty severe.
Shook a tree and white stuff flew everywhere.
I'm thinking pollen.
Both eyes swelled hugely.
And he got hives.
We were walking home from the park.
Had to call the neighbor to come get us.
He was getting worse. But could breathe fine, which was good.
Rushed him home and gave him 4 tsp. allergy medicine.
Took a couple of hours for the eyes to look any better.
Poor kid.
He got his trophy from soccer tonight.
They took first place!
My neighbor and her two granddaughters went with us to the park today.
It was nice to talk to her.
Her son passed away three months ago.
I am glad that I invited her to go.
She was too.
I want to swim in our pool.
But the water is too cold still.
Maybe in August?
Time for a heater.
John is seriously thinking about getting one.
When I am at work, I reach for my cell phone to call him.
To see how his day is.
Only he isn't reachable.
I forget that for a quick second.
I hope they are having a wonderful time.
I moved Matt's truck in the driveway today.
He would have a fit if he knew.
It made me smile.
I love that kid. I miss him.
I look forward to hearing about their trip.
Especially since it is Matt's first time.
When I asked Micah today if he wanted to go shoot some more "hoops" with Alec,
He said, "No, I don't want to shoot more poops!"
So funny.
I had to stop the car twice today with him so he could pee on the side of the road.
So funny.
The last time, we were almost to his house and he said he had to go. Bad.
While we were pulling away he says to me, "Don't run over my pee!"
Like I said. Super cute boy.
Alec gets to go to work with me soon to do some work outdoors.
He is very excited about it.
Supposed to be tomorrow.
But it looks pretty promising for rain.
John's cousin Robyn had her second child today.
A little boy.
Her daughter is about six years old.
They live in Las Vegas.
Welcome to the world Vincent.
Tomorrow is Friday.
Another week gone.
The house is quiet.
Except for the tv.
We watch too much.
Two turtles in the road today.
A woman moved them to safety.
She was wild.
In her thoughts.
She is a neighbor's mother.
First time I've met her.
She told me that when she dies that she wants her ashes scattered.
She's coming back again.
This isn't her first time here.
She was here before.
Home come?
I'll leave you with this.
One for me and one for them.
Thanks Denise, for sharing your son with us!

It's fortunate for that kid that he's so darn cute 'cause he's full of mischief. I'm cracking up over you having to pull over so he could pee. LOL No pop bottles in the car? Those work great at that age. He probably wanted to keep stopping because he enjoyed the novelty of it. And God forbid that you should desecrate it with tire marks! HaHa
Add me to the list of those not happy about the air force idea. It's a noble desire, but...... We're gonna need to hear from God on that one! Eeeks!
Hey, thanks for making up for lost time! Glad you got to connect with your neighbor again. Cool!
Hi, it's been a while since I visited. I'm glad I did today...there was a lot of update in this post. I understand how you feel about your son being in the Air Force...
And that mean dad yelling at his daughter... what a contradiction. Instead of protecting her, being the keeper of her heart, he violated her boundaries... I just feel so sad about that
So many cute stories, about Micah, about the two turtles being moved to safety...
Hope you have a great summer!
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