Saturday, April 26, 2008
Masked Man
That masked man is.....of course....Mr. Matt.
Today he and John got the sandblaster ready and blasted away! I guess its to get rid of the rust. So THAT is why John bought the super duper humungo air compressor that is now in our garage with piping running through the ceiling and is hooked up to some doohickey that turns it on and off by the small garage door opening. John lovingly referred to this contraption as awesome and said that they are turning the garage into a hot rod shop.
I mean, look at this giant thingamajig!
Totally a dude thing. Tim Allen would be grunting big time. What do ya think Papa Mike? Guys?
Friday, April 25, 2008
Catch "The Office" Fever
Fact: If you don't watch the show, you might not appreciate this. But if you watch this clip, your interest might be sparked.
Good times.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
My Little Republican

I watch Fox News just about every morning. I don't watch the local news and I'm not sure why. I guess its because I've always been a newspaper reader.
Anyhow. While getting ready in the morning, I'll have my tv on in my room, listening to the latest ongoings. Fox is mostly political news. Years ago I would've never even thought about watching that type of news ((((boring)))). Growing up, politics were never discussed, at least not to my recollection. Did my parents ever vote? A few years ago, after learning more about the difference between Democrats and Republicans, I became interested. I have even voted in the past few years.
Since I have the tv on and the kids can hear the news, they'll ask about this politician or that politician. To the best of my ability, I explain the different views that both sides have. Abortion and homosexuality is at the top of my list. Neither is necessary and the rights that are given to each are way outta hand. That's my opinion.
Long story short, when Alec comes in my room and if I've been in the bathroom, away from the tv, he gives me updates. Yesterday he says, "Mom! McCain won in Pennsylvania and Hillary beat Obama!" I catch him quite a bit listening and watching intently when the candidates are being discussed. Not that I'm in love with McCain, but I definitely don't want to see the other two in office. Yikes.
My point is that Alec is far more knowledgable and interested than I was at his age. But its being exposed to it that makes the difference.
He's my little Republican.
Monday, April 21, 2008

My new bookmark. (click on the photo to see it better)
I found it while going through an envelope of pictures recently.
Matthew is probably five or six and Josh must be nine or ten.
I miss those little boys.
(I know, nothing out of the ordinary for me)
p.s. When I woke up this morning, my dream was still fresh in my mind. Matthew was about three years old and sitting on my lap. I was kissing his sweet little face as he talked to me....
Saturday, April 19, 2008
"Lost" or "Oliver's Island"
I just sat at the computer with my coffee and was reading the news headlines on yahoo.
One jumped right out at me,
"Abandoned cocker spaniel rescued on remote island".
Did I go somewhere last night? Do any traveling during the wee hours? Take Oliver with me and send him afloat at sea?
Good one.
--- I do feel bad for the actual dog that they rescued:
One jumped right out at me,
"Abandoned cocker spaniel rescued on remote island".
Did I go somewhere last night? Do any traveling during the wee hours? Take Oliver with me and send him afloat at sea?
Good one.
--- I do feel bad for the actual dog that they rescued:
Friday, April 18, 2008
Good to Know
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I probably shouldn't post a blog fresh from being out of my mind, fuming mad. I'll give you a hint as to why I was furious: Oliver.
Imagine my surprise when I come in this morning from taking Rachel to the bus. Oliver is ON TOP OF MY KITCHEN TABLE! Walking around! My kitchen table is a catch- all most of the time. On there this morning was: my purse, my glasses, bangle bracelets, a small pile of clothes, GMC Manual, some paperwork and a bag of mini jawbreakers. I'm thinking he was licking the bag of candy, trying to get it open. If I would've been gone more than the three minutes, he would've opened it and scarfed them down. HE WAS ON TOP OF MY TABLE!
I am SERIOUSLY thinking of posting a free dog ad. I've had him for five years and he has drove me more crazy in the past few months than ever. WHAT is going on? Any takers? F-R-E-E that spells free, this dog is not for me.
On a sweeter note, Krista came over yesterday. When she was in Missouri last weekend she got me a gift! She bought me a pretty little windchime as an anniversary gift. How sweet is that? I do love that girl. Not because of that, but because she is just so darn lovable. Anyone who knows her will agree.
Josh is the proud owner of his very own coffee maker. Since he gets up just after the crack of dawn and probably sleeps until he gets to work, he asked me recently about getting a programmable coffee maker. Of course John and I have a coffee maker already. A nice one to boot. But its not the programmable type. Even if it was, it still would'nt work out. John drinks 1/2 caff and makes only enough for him when he gets up (early). Not because he is stingy, but because I like mine java fresh and typically make full strength Eight O'Clock brand. Krista just bought Josh some Starbucks "Kenya - bold". I have been (shhhhhhh) sneaking some and very much enjoying it (and so has Matt -- whole 'nother story). So last night, I picked up the cutest 4 cup, programmable coffee maker for Josh and a bag of Starbucks coffee for myself. Josh now has this cool 'set up' next to his bed on his nightstand: his coffee maker & bag of Starbucks ground coffee. He wants to wake up to coffee! Plus he gives himself just enough time to get ready and go, that is where the auto on comes in to play.
Alec had his first soccer practice yesterday. He is on "the warriors" team, which is 5th & 6th graders. Had to make sure I loaded up on Gatorade for the young man. That's the only acceptable beverage when you are a soccer player you know. Looks like his first game will be the end of this month. Spring is here!
Rachel Lynnie has her first track meet this Thursday. She's not super excited about it. They've only had about 6 days of practice so far. She said that her and her friend Carly are the slowest. Poor baby girl. While Alec was practicing yesterday at the soccer field, Rachel and I took advantage of the time and walked the track (at East) together. She would run and practice the hurdles. She forgot to change into shorts before we left, so it was difficult in jeans, but she tried.
Might as well update you on Matt's truck. He and John took off the windshield yesterday. John had me stop at the music store after work on Monday to get some piano string. I guess that is what you use when you do that sorta thing. The music store didn't have piano string and suggested guitar string. They said people come in on occasion and buy it for that same purpose. On the way to the bus this morning I asked Matt about how it went with the windshield yesterday. He told me that the string had broken but they were eventually successful in getting the job done. He also told me that he was down to one guitar string on his electric guitar. I got a good chuckle out of that.
Having kids is fun, isn't it? Not dogs though, no, not fun.
Imagine my surprise when I come in this morning from taking Rachel to the bus. Oliver is ON TOP OF MY KITCHEN TABLE! Walking around! My kitchen table is a catch- all most of the time. On there this morning was: my purse, my glasses, bangle bracelets, a small pile of clothes, GMC Manual, some paperwork and a bag of mini jawbreakers. I'm thinking he was licking the bag of candy, trying to get it open. If I would've been gone more than the three minutes, he would've opened it and scarfed them down. HE WAS ON TOP OF MY TABLE!
I am SERIOUSLY thinking of posting a free dog ad. I've had him for five years and he has drove me more crazy in the past few months than ever. WHAT is going on? Any takers? F-R-E-E that spells free, this dog is not for me.
On a sweeter note, Krista came over yesterday. When she was in Missouri last weekend she got me a gift! She bought me a pretty little windchime as an anniversary gift. How sweet is that? I do love that girl. Not because of that, but because she is just so darn lovable. Anyone who knows her will agree.
Josh is the proud owner of his very own coffee maker. Since he gets up just after the crack of dawn and probably sleeps until he gets to work, he asked me recently about getting a programmable coffee maker. Of course John and I have a coffee maker already. A nice one to boot. But its not the programmable type. Even if it was, it still would'nt work out. John drinks 1/2 caff and makes only enough for him when he gets up (early). Not because he is stingy, but because I like mine java fresh and typically make full strength Eight O'Clock brand. Krista just bought Josh some Starbucks "Kenya - bold". I have been (shhhhhhh) sneaking some and very much enjoying it (and so has Matt -- whole 'nother story). So last night, I picked up the cutest 4 cup, programmable coffee maker for Josh and a bag of Starbucks coffee for myself. Josh now has this cool 'set up' next to his bed on his nightstand: his coffee maker & bag of Starbucks ground coffee. He wants to wake up to coffee! Plus he gives himself just enough time to get ready and go, that is where the auto on comes in to play.
Alec had his first soccer practice yesterday. He is on "the warriors" team, which is 5th & 6th graders. Had to make sure I loaded up on Gatorade for the young man. That's the only acceptable beverage when you are a soccer player you know. Looks like his first game will be the end of this month. Spring is here!
Rachel Lynnie has her first track meet this Thursday. She's not super excited about it. They've only had about 6 days of practice so far. She said that her and her friend Carly are the slowest. Poor baby girl. While Alec was practicing yesterday at the soccer field, Rachel and I took advantage of the time and walked the track (at East) together. She would run and practice the hurdles. She forgot to change into shorts before we left, so it was difficult in jeans, but she tried.
Might as well update you on Matt's truck. He and John took off the windshield yesterday. John had me stop at the music store after work on Monday to get some piano string. I guess that is what you use when you do that sorta thing. The music store didn't have piano string and suggested guitar string. They said people come in on occasion and buy it for that same purpose. On the way to the bus this morning I asked Matt about how it went with the windshield yesterday. He told me that the string had broken but they were eventually successful in getting the job done. He also told me that he was down to one guitar string on his electric guitar. I got a good chuckle out of that.
Having kids is fun, isn't it? Not dogs though, no, not fun.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
My Greek Aunt Voula
Tell me you've seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Even if you have already seen it, you MUST watch it again. I just watched it for the, I don't know, fourth time. HA-LAR-IOUS. I'm not kidding. I was laughing so hard I had tears. This video is one of my favorite parts. Love Aunt Voula. LOVE her.
My second favorite part is when Toula (the bride) is getting ready on the day of her wedding and all the women in the family surround her with excitement and are helping her with every detail. Toula's mother rushes in to explain to her (regarding her wedding night) that Greek women are like lambs in the kitchen and tigers in the bedroom, all the while Aunt Voula is right beside her mother tweezing HER MOTHER's stray whiskers on her chin! I was dying!
Oh! I almost forgot. Another Aunt Voula part:
Toula is introducing Ian (her future groom) to Aunt Voula at a family gathering. Aunt Voula, loves to cook and insists that Ian come over so she can cook for him. Toula says, "that might be a problem." Aunt Voula looks puzzled. Toula tells her, "Ian is a vegetarian." Aunt Voula says, "What do you mean he don't eat NO MEAT! ---- Okay, I make lamb!" and off she goes to dance!
The best.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Hillbilly HQ

Here is an update on John & Matt's Truck Adventure:
The GMC that they got a few weeks ago has been worked on, torn apart and is parked in the garage, where something new is being done on almost a daily basis. They even made the wooden, movable stand that the bed sits on. Cool! Don't ask me exactly what they do, even though they tell me, since I'm not 'into' that stuff. But I'll act like I know.
Fill in the blanks:
They took off the ________ and fixed the _____________, using the ____________ to repair it and then ________ed something else to ____________ that __________ __________ __________.
Did you happen to notice the picture of a different truck? Yeah. That's theirs too. Bought it and brought it home during the horrendous tornado, severe lighting, hail and the darkest clouds I've ever seen rolled-into-one storm this evening. Yes, that's TWO trucks. The one they got tonight is for the engine and parts. Once they are done with it, their plan is to get some cash-ola from the scrap yard. To them its a great deal.
Super fun.
That Girl
You must visit JJ's blog to read about her Kaffy.
Read the two posts: "Kathrynisms Part 33 1/3" & "Oh yeah, and one more."
You'll love 'em.
I did.
p.s. Kathryn turned five today. Happy Birthday Kaffy!
Read the two posts: "Kathrynisms Part 33 1/3" & "Oh yeah, and one more."
You'll love 'em.
I did.
p.s. Kathryn turned five today. Happy Birthday Kaffy!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Scrabble Dabble
Bought this ultra-cool mini Scrabble game at a garage sale last summer. The tiles are little, the game board has individual indents for each tile and the tile bag is even made of cloth, not plastic! I think I paid a whole dollar for it. Rachel and I got it out and played a game after dinner last night.
Josh and Kevin came in the house at the end of our game and helped us with the last few hard to come up with words. Then, as we all sat in the living room to catch the brand new episode of The Office, the two of them played a game with Alec. College is paying off so far for Josh, he came up with some good words....
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
'88 Flashback
My mother-in-law gave me a box full of pictures the other day. I hadn't had a chance to go through them until yesterday afternoon and I was surprised at the pictures that I came across. Not surprised that they were in there, just that I hadn't seen them in years and had forgotten about them. Oh my! Some good ones.
The picture of John and I in front of my Firebird was taken before we were married. I think we were engaged at that point. Look at the hair! On both of us! The kids were 'grossed out' by the length of John's shorts. Hey, that was the style.
The picture of me with my Mom and soon to be mother-in-law was at one of my bridal showers. (side note: my Mom is about a year and a half younger in that photo than I am right now!)
The photo of me sitting on John's lap was taken after we were married and its in our trailer, our very first home together! We were a whopping twenty years old.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
How's Your Day?
Just thought I'd ask because for John first thing this morning, it didn't go too well. After loading the trash cans in the back of his work truck, he backed up to the garage which, by itself is nothing out of the ordinary.
Except that since Matt's truck is now in the garage, John's Dodge is parked where Josh used to park and now Josh parks in front of the small garage door. Got that?
So....BAM! John backs into Josh's car.
This, after Josh JUST got his new rim on one of his wheels after his dazed/sleeping at the wheel incident on M-24 early one morning two weeks ago. This caused him to drive John's Dodge for a few days while a donut wheel was on his car, while waiting for the new rim that John had to pick up in Detroit. Think: inconvenience as well as extra gas dollars for Josh.
So, yeah. Now Josh's car will need to have the front driver's side repaired.
Except that since Matt's truck is now in the garage, John's Dodge is parked where Josh used to park and now Josh parks in front of the small garage door. Got that?
So....BAM! John backs into Josh's car.
This, after Josh JUST got his new rim on one of his wheels after his dazed/sleeping at the wheel incident on M-24 early one morning two weeks ago. This caused him to drive John's Dodge for a few days while a donut wheel was on his car, while waiting for the new rim that John had to pick up in Detroit. Think: inconvenience as well as extra gas dollars for Josh.
So, yeah. Now Josh's car will need to have the front driver's side repaired.

It's also how old I wish I were. Just kidding. Okay, I'm not.
It's how old Josh will be this year.
It's how old John and I were when we got engaged.
It was a favorite number of my early high school best friend Tina. How do you come up with that?
It's obviously the first two numbers of the past century. Does 1999 sound long ago now? Yes.
According to Wikipedia, 19 is the 8th smallest prime number.
19 and the Pentagon - The number nineteen also plays a unique role in the measure of the pentagon... the diagonal of the pentagon has the remarkable property of being the geometric mean between the diameters of the circumscribing circle and the height of the pentagon. These numerical relationships which approach those of the Pharaonic canon of 18 and 19, are as follows:
diameter/diagonal=20/19.021=diagonal/height=19.021/18.092=1.051 (yeah, like that makes sense to us normal folk - just thought I'd throw that in)
Matthew 19:19 says, "honor your mother and father and love your neighbor as yourself". (I choose Matthew because it's one of my favorites)
Nineteen is also how many pounds I've lost since mid January.
Doesn't feel like it, but I'm going to believe my scale.
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