I watch Fox News just about every morning. I don't watch the local news and I'm not sure why. I guess its because I've always been a newspaper reader.
Anyhow. While getting ready in the morning, I'll have my tv on in my room, listening to the latest ongoings. Fox is mostly political news. Years ago I would've never even thought about watching that type of news ((((boring)))). Growing up, politics were never discussed, at least not to my recollection. Did my parents ever vote? A few years ago, after learning more about the difference between Democrats and Republicans, I became interested. I have even voted in the past few years.
Since I have the tv on and the kids can hear the news, they'll ask about this politician or that politician. To the best of my ability, I explain the different views that both sides have. Abortion and homosexuality is at the top of my list. Neither is necessary and the rights that are given to each are way outta hand. That's my opinion.
Long story short, when Alec comes in my room and if I've been in the bathroom, away from the tv, he gives me updates. Yesterday he says, "Mom! McCain won in Pennsylvania and Hillary beat Obama!" I catch him quite a bit listening and watching intently when the candidates are being discussed. Not that I'm in love with McCain, but I definitely don't want to see the other two in office. Yikes.
My point is that Alec is far more knowledgable and interested than I was at his age. But its being exposed to it that makes the difference.
He's my little Republican.
Here's an idea. I've got a niece (also a Republican) that we can hook Alec up with. My sister's kids have a paper route. Recently there was a newspaper left, which was an indication someone hadn't received theirs. When my sister inquired of her youngest, Madison responded, "Those people right there didn't get a paper and they're not getting one either; they have a Hillary sign in their yard."
It's great that you're exposing Alec to the issues. You're teaching him more than how to vote; you're teaching him to have convictions and to live by them. But ... holding back someone's newspaper is pushing it! LOL
So, what does Alec think about dark-haired, brown-eyed, feisty little girls? Oh, scrap that! They're both the baby of 4! Bad idea! We'll keep looking.
Oh my gosh Tammy -- that is great (about what she said about the yard sign)!
Alec will need a fiesty mate to keep him in check. ha ha.
By george, we WILL get someone from the Krist family to marry into ours......she sounds perfect for Alec, fiesty, bold and oh let me tell ya, she is cute to boot!!
Hmmmm, let me see I better start praying now....this could work. Tammy Joy as Alec's Aunt...Now there's a thought.
Might as well be Alec's aunt, too. I'm already Rachel's. LOL Love it! Move over, Kristie Marie. HaHa
Hey, I think there might be potential for Tammy Joy to be a mother-in-law here.....Rachel girlie is lookin' pretty darn cute these days, ya know and just maybe a little you know who in the Krist family might be taking notice. Not that I am putting it in anyones head or anything...so forget the Aunt thing, (for Rachel that is, I am on a roll for prayin' my little fool head off). Oh Jesusssssss.....
Rachel could probably handle it, but I'm not too sure her Mom or her Grammy could handle one of the Krist boys in the family, especially that one! So, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they" ASK.
She is, indeed, turning into a beautiful young woman (SCARY) and has a darling personality to go with it. Someone will be fortunate to have her some day.
We have a presidential candidate in the making. Go Alec Go!!!
Tammy, you are a hoot! "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they" ASK. Too funny. And don't forget, Johnny gets confused all the time and calls you Aunt Tammy.
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