My mother-in-law gave me a box full of pictures the other day. I hadn't had a chance to go through them until yesterday afternoon and I was surprised at the pictures that I came across. Not surprised that they were in there, just that I hadn't seen them in years and had forgotten about them. Oh my! Some good ones.
The picture of John and I in front of my Firebird was taken before we were married. I think we were engaged at that point. Look at the hair! On both of us! The kids were 'grossed out' by the length of John's shorts. Hey, that was the style.
The picture of me with my Mom and soon to be mother-in-law was at one of my bridal showers. (side note: my Mom is about a year and a half younger in that photo than I am right now!)
The photo of me sitting on John's lap was taken after we were married and its in our trailer, our very first home together! We were a whopping twenty years old.
Okay, one second I am cracking up and then the next second I am crying because I am so depressed...How in the heck did we get so old so fast.......seems like that was just yesterday!!!! Hey Better take a picture of us right now, because in 20 years we will be looking back at the way we look now and appreciate it, but right now it is depressing, get my drift...LOL.
Thanks for the memories!!
P.S. Oh remember we were known for our hair, me, you and Kriste...we were known as the FLUFF-ETTES! Just thought I'd throw that in as well.
dang it all, that would be Kristie, with an ie instead of just an e....if she saw that she would correct me, soooo I thought I'd do it now and save her the email to me....hee hee.
Except Kristie never looks at my blog!
Hey Shari! Those were great...the late 80's early 90's all that hair ---wow! I was looking at my engagement picture, and all that big hair...
They were great times.
I had to let Mike see these pictures. Mike remembers John, of course, as a young boy....and he just laughed and said, what a PUNK!! Remembering people saying PUNK all the time. Anyway he enjoyed them, and with the picture of me, he just went MMMMMMMMMMMMM. I don't know if that is good or bad...LOL
Oh my word, John's shorts are killing me. I can't not laugh everytime I look at that picture. I know it was the style THEN, but is sure is extremely funny to see them now. Does he still have them??? LOL Tell him to wear them. It is your 20 year anniversary today, break out those shorts and party like its 1988!
Yes, the 80's hair was, how do I say, um, a bit FLUFFY!! But Mom is right, we were all 3 known for our great hair. Too funny!
Thanks Mom for correcting the spelling of my name, the name that you gave me and that you chose the spelling for. hehehe To be VERY honest, I did not catch the mistake until I read that you had spelled it wrong.
I totally remember the black and white sweater Mom is wearing in your shower photo. I was so happy when it was passed down to me!!
As for the side ponytail, YOUR KILLING ME!!! Too funny. Oh, to be able to go back to those days, just for a short time. To know then what we know now (JESUS).
P.S. Bite me on not reading your blog all the time! I have early signs of aging and I forget! I am doomed in 10 years. I won't even remember my name.
Good then I don't have to remember how to spell your name, that just might work...only kiddin' Hee hee.
Also very proud of the term "Bite me"....(oh my daughters really do love each other!!)
P.S. See shari she does read your blog.....she was just one of those that did not comment..caught ya
Duuuuuuuuuuuuude, John, this is a family blog.
If your underpants are longer than your shorts, say NO to the Daisy Dukes. =)
Happy Anniversary!
First of all, 20 years old may have been old enough back then, but it is certainly not now, (especially since I have a 20 year old).
Secondly, excuse me, Kriste. No "i" for you if you're gonnna rag on the side ponytail. That was one of my favorite styles in the early 80's.
Thirdly, we could give "old lady mumma" an extreme makeover so she looks like a couple of 57-year olds I've seen. Maybe then she'd be a little more grateful now, instead of in 20 years.
Fourthly, Pastor J. had shorter shorts than that on the soccer field, so give John a break.
Lastly, to the poodle triplets -- thank God you simplified. Your faces are much too beautiful to be hidden by a mane.
Love you all, and may the next 20 years be even better yet for the happy couple.
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