Thought I'd take a few pictures of my first lovely blooms outside.
The purple flowers are known as 'johnny jump-ups' or pansies and they come back every year in my gardens. They sprout up here and there and I've always loved them.
The yellowish-white flowers are on my dogwood tree that I have out front. I bought that probably 8+ years ago and had it planted in the garden just off my patio. It never grew let alone flowered for years. I transplanted it out front a couple of years ago and it has thrived! I love it. Too bad the flowers don't last that long though.
Rachel loves my flowering plum tree out front and took this photo a week or so ago. Like the dogwood, it is so beautiful when blooming, but the blooms only last two weeks or so.
And that is your horticulture info for today.
BEAUTIFUL!!! So glad you're enjoying your yard. Horticulture -- big word! LOL
Oh how I love to see things come alive in the Spring.......your gardens are so beautiful. Grandma Fredericks would have "so loved them"!!
Enjoy what God has created for us to be able to see in the Springtime....Just gives us a preview of what the gardens will be like in Heaven!!!!!!!!!!!
Rachel Lynn needs to persue Photograpy.......what an awesome picture.
P H O T O G R A P H Y.....
Sorry for the oopsy! If I am using a big word, I should make sure I spell it right LOL
Tammy: I love using big words and feeling all smart.
Mom: What kind of flowers did Grandma (or Aunt Trudi?) always plants in that flower bed right between the back porch and the driveway? I can't remember.
I think, cause I really don't remember either, that it was Petunia's. That was the very first flower I ever planted in "Our" yard on Sinclair St. And I believe it was because Grandma had them.
Oh how I miss her, she would have loved to come and sit in our gardens....she LOVED flowers!
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