Holey Donuts! is a real brand of 'healthier donuts'. This is their comparison of a typical cinnamon bun compared to their lower-fat version:
Loaded: 1156 cal 56 g fat
Unloaded: 290 cal 2.5g fat
Good thing I haven't had a cinnamon bun in a long time, or any other deep fried donuty treat for that matter. OUCH!
Man, I want a donut so bad.
Holy Hannah is a phrase used by people who don't use swear words. Its true. I read it online. Even my friend Janelle uses it.....uh-huh!
This guy's name is Dr. Holey

I say holy crap a lot. I'm sure that crap isn't holy.
Matt is wearing a very holey pair of jeans at this moment.
Did I mention that the Duggar's are expecting their 18th child. 18 CHILDREN. 18 names. 18 mouths to listen to and feed. 18 personalities. 18 bodies to clothe. 18! That's a dozen and a half! That is a lot of kids. A lot.
Michelle Duggar, the mom, so needs a new hairstyle. I mean, c'mon! Has no one ever told her that? Yikes.

I think I'll begin using the term 'holey hairstyle' when I am referring to someone in desperate need of a new 'do.
p.s. JJ - remember our Block instructor? Holy Hannah, give me some hair color and a pair of scissors - STAT!
I love guacamole.
Holy CRAP!
That hair makes me want to say swears.
I am surprised she is not ONmarried.
first 18 KIDS........WOW! that is all I can say on that one.
Her hair......maybe she is thinking it is going to come back in style??????
You are a riot! Holy Duggar Buggar's, that's a lot of kids. They are INSANE! Sarah would have a field day with that hair! I think I'll send her an email of good ole Mrs. Duggar.
P.S. I could go for a donut. Bring me one with a fresh coffee in the morning STAT!
Hey if I had that many kids...... I'd go for the bald look, ya know what I mean!!!! LOL
That is just plain crazy....don't even know how you'd make time to MAKE a baby with that house full!!
When she read the Bible and saw where it said, Go and Multiply...I guess she thought she was the only one to do it.....LOL God is saying, rock on Sista....LOL
On a serious note, God Bless them and I pray they know God, for real!
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