Do you see Matthew in the background....it looks like he is gargling his squeeze-it juice! I am quite sure that is what he was doing. That was SO him.

A time when the boys looked and fussed over "sissy".

My little boy...
Once again, I gasp at the time that has gone by.
Ohhh! My heart is aching as it is having to send my own off into adulthood. Seeing yours at that age is putting me over the edge. Sob! Sob! I hope our kids will be little again in heaven. LOL
I love seeing these pictures of them when they were little. So precious! Just wish our days (only selected ones, of course) were as a thousand years like God's are. Probably still wouldn't be long enough, though. LOL
Please stop with the pictures....it is making me crazy with how fast time went. I am sad that it did...but it makes me cherish who they are now even more so...sigh!
I love these pictures...My mom was just showing me some pictures that my grandma had of me and my brothers camping with..WOW! What fun memories....Looking forward to creating some fun times with my girls
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