I was supposed to hire seasonal help. People that could perform or be trained to perform tasks that helped us through tax season. Copying, fiing, answering the phone, process tax returns..ect.
Little did I know, this new employee would become one of my best friends, we would go through H-E-double toothpicks in that office together and fly the coop. Thelma and Louise.
Don't get me wrong. The first year was awesome! We had so much fun in that office. Our boss was cool, although sometimes quirky, and we would take in yummy chicken bowls at KFC or the #8 "Swee & Sar Chick" at the local chinese place as we stayed into the late hour giggling and listening to K-Love really loud, all while doing the tax season routine.
One night, it was just her and I. We were probably slap happy tired. I think we were shredding some papers and somehow ended up talking about flying the coop and opening up our own shredding company. We would get a big truck, drive around to big offices and shred away. For some reason, this was HALARIOUS to us.

As I drove to the gas station yesterday morning, stopping to get a car wash before continuing on to work, I seen this big truck with the iShred logo on it. If Janelle wasn't on vacation on an African Safari, I would've called her. It made me think of her and I. The "team" we once were as fellow employees. Our pipe dream. The new "we shred" dream team. Super fun.
I miss those times. Only the good ones though, not the horrid ones.
Maybe someday Janelle, maybe someday.
For now, thanks for being a super-fun-friend.
It is wonderful to connect with someone who you know is just RIGHT for you. I know what Janelle means to you.....and I am so glad that you have a super duper fun relationship with her.
Janelle your a keeper!!!!!
P.S. Shari if you go into the paper shredding business...I have some papers for you to shred, LOL...WINK WINK
Good....then I'll make sure and send the remains to Hong Kong!
fankd youd, cauz I willed beed dere beeeing verdee scareeeed!!!!!!!!
LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL....I am laughing hysterically right now....only Shari will be able to appreciate this one. Right dear daughter...!!
God is so gracious to send someone along just when we're about to need it. You connected with Janelle in time to weather the storm together. I have often admired your relationship. It's a gift -- and I'm so happy you have it.
SO funny! How did I not see this till now? I was sure I had checked it since I had been home. I crack up every time I see that truck on the road. They stole our idea!
I am thankful for our friendship too! Who knew you would be such a good judge of character working in human resources? =)
Everybody knows it's all about the hair and lipstick...
Love you, man!
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