We have morphed into older, non-technical, yelling at each other (not really), dense people.
John and I.
Friday night we are home alone and decide to watch a movie together. Remember, we are all alone. Which means we have no help from our kids. They are the ones that usually put in the movie and push all the right buttons to get it started on our surround sound dvd player.
So John puts in the movie and waits as the sounds begin and we arrive at a menu. No big deal. Except when he hits play or next, nothing happens. I notice that the out of the six choices given, none really simply say "play". They were "deleted scenes" and "from pages to scenes"...blah blah blah. With background music, playing over and over and over.
So John gets a brilliant idea and suggests we find the remote to the dvd player and maybe have more options with that. I find one and it of course needs new batteries. No big deal. I have been buying up 4 packs at Kroger with the super de-duper coupon/sale matching. And, I found two remotes! We could BOTH work on this. So as he is pushing buttons on his remote and it doesn't work, I begin pushing buttons on mine, moving it to "deleted scenes". No, no, no, that is not what we want. John begins to get frustrated that I am also using a remote. "Would you stop it?" he asks, which was more like an order.

So we go back and forth moving in circles in this movie that we are trying to get started. We are both thinking, "Where are the kids when you need them?" Especially Alec, he would know exactly what to do.
A light bulb finally goes on in my brain and I ask him, "Is there another disc? I think this is the special scenes disc and the movie is on a second disc". John opens the disc jacket and sure enough there it was.
He says, "Ah-ha! There is a trap door and I didn't see it!" I am sure most people have purchased a dvd where there are two discs and there is a "trap door" that separates the two.
We were cracking up, laughing out loud. I loved his description of it as a trap door.
The correct disc was put in and it didn't take too long to find the menu and push "play" when prompted.
It only took us twenty-two minutes to figure all of this out.
Shari..NOW you can relate to your Mumma. Remember all the times you have laughed at me for not being mechanical or always having technical issues when it comes to gadgets like that...yeah..the nut doesn't fall to far from the tree now does it!!!!!!!
Loved it, gave me a much needed laugh..thanks for sharing!
I'm glad you got a chuckle out of it. We certainly did.
We are feeling old.
This was sooooo funny! It sounds too familiar.
What was the title of the movie?
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