Me and the little ones. We go hand and hand. I enjoyed spending the day yesterday with my very good friend Janelle's youngest daughter Kathryn. She's a cutie, that one. Four and a half years old going on, well, much older. After making two beaded necklaces (one for her and the other for her dad), then having some grilled cheese sandwiches together, we went to the store to load up on some items for baking. Our plan was to make some cookies and maybe some banana bread. Once she declared that she did not like banana bread, I scratched that off of our to do list.
After making the dough, I showed her how to scoop it out by the spoonful and roll it into a little ball. Her precious little hands squished the dough as she tried to figure out exactly how to do it without squishing it! Once she got the hang of it she asked me after each one, "is this one good?", and of course I told her, "that's a great one!" Of course.
It was a swell time.
Fast forward to me at work this afternoon. The phone rings and after I answer it, a noticeable pause is on the other end and then a little squeaky voice asks, "what's your address?" I laugh, knowing its Kathryn and ask her, "you want my address?" She corrects herself and asks, "what's the recipe?" She is calling to get the yummy cookie recipe from me so that her and her mom can make them again. So I gave it to her, and here it is for anyone else who is interested:
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
That's it. Mix it together, form into know the rest. Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes.
"Yumm-o" as Rachel Ray would say.
Thanks Kaffy, for a fun day!
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