The photo shown is Happy Matt. Most of the time he is. But when he is not, you know it. Well, I guess that is true for just about everyone. Matthew is one track minded. All the way. Fer sure. He is either geeked about something (getting a highly anticipated package delivered that contains some kool goods that he ordered online, biking with his friend, getting a new PSP game, new cell phone, knowing that I am making him something delicious that he loves...stuff like that) or down about something that isn't going well.
Like most kids he was sad to let go of the lazy days of summer. No schedules. Sleep till whenever. The only "work" that needed to be done was small tasks around the house. No brain work involved. He likes school for one reason: socializing. Its a BIG part of his life. So imagine this: you are a ninth grader and pretty much very well liked in your social network of friends. On the first day of school you quickly come to the realization that you do not have one single friend that you know in your lunch. He told me this after school on day one. He said, "school sucks!". He said that he went to the library to escape and that he wondered if he could do that everyday! I think the third day he told me that he "stole one of his teacher's passes" to use for permission to use the library during lunch. Oh my. This isn't good. I feel like he is my 1st grader and that I need to go and make it all better. :(
I know that he will overcome this hatred of his lunch time. He will either figure out that he knows a soul or two after all or just deal with it. I don't know.
My poor Mattie Jakie! I so remember this same situation in junior high. I too would just wander around the halls and kinda "hide out from the teachers" during lunch time. Until......I got busted! I think I had stolen a teachers pass too, if I remember correctly (that was quite some time ago! lol). They forced me to stay in the lunch area during the entire lunch time! I survived it! lol
Update: He is of course fine now. After a few days he met up with some friends he didn't realize had that lunch and all is well. Maybe if he would've stuck around instead of "skipping" lunch.
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