Micah, for those of you who do not know, is a baby boy that I just adore. He is the second son of our youth pastors, Paul and Denise. He is the type of baby that you just cannot walk past without wanting to love on him. He has always been such a happy guy and his smile lights up a whole room. Rachel and I got the privilege of watching him and his three year old brother Mason last Sunday afternoon between morning and evening service. Having the two of them around reminds me so much of the days of Joshua and Matthew. Mason was completely entertained with cars and trucks and Alec. After crawling around, playing and eatting some lunch, Micah ended up falling asleep on the couch next to Rachel. She loved every minute of it. She has to have her Micah fix too now.
Little Micah James will be one year old next week!
1 comment:
I finally found your blog. I love this posting...I'm not partial or anything. Thank you so much for loving my boys, you do not know how much it means to us that our children are accepted and LOVED!!!
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