Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I probably shouldn't post a blog fresh from being out of my mind, fuming mad. I'll give you a hint as to why I was furious: Oliver.

Imagine my surprise when I come in this morning from taking Rachel to the bus. Oliver is ON TOP OF MY KITCHEN TABLE! Walking around! My kitchen table is a catch- all most of the time. On there this morning was: my purse, my glasses, bangle bracelets, a small pile of clothes, GMC Manual, some paperwork and a bag of mini jawbreakers. I'm thinking he was licking the bag of candy, trying to get it open. If I would've been gone more than the three minutes, he would've opened it and scarfed them down. HE WAS ON TOP OF MY TABLE!

I am SERIOUSLY thinking of posting a free dog ad. I've had him for five years and he has drove me more crazy in the past few months than ever. WHAT is going on? Any takers? F-R-E-E that spells free, this dog is not for me.

On a sweeter note, Krista came over yesterday. When she was in Missouri last weekend she got me a gift! She bought me a pretty little windchime as an anniversary gift. How sweet is that? I do love that girl. Not because of that, but because she is just so darn lovable. Anyone who knows her will agree.

Josh is the proud owner of his very own coffee maker. Since he gets up just after the crack of dawn and probably sleeps until he gets to work, he asked me recently about getting a programmable coffee maker. Of course John and I have a coffee maker already. A nice one to boot. But its not the programmable type. Even if it was, it still would'nt work out. John drinks 1/2 caff and makes only enough for him when he gets up (early). Not because he is stingy, but because I like mine java fresh and typically make full strength Eight O'Clock brand. Krista just bought Josh some Starbucks "Kenya - bold". I have been (shhhhhhh) sneaking some and very much enjoying it (and so has Matt -- whole 'nother story). So last night, I picked up the cutest 4 cup, programmable coffee maker for Josh and a bag of Starbucks coffee for myself. Josh now has this cool 'set up' next to his bed on his nightstand: his coffee maker & bag of Starbucks ground coffee. He wants to wake up to coffee! Plus he gives himself just enough time to get ready and go, that is where the auto on comes in to play.

Alec had his first soccer practice yesterday. He is on "the warriors" team, which is 5th & 6th graders. Had to make sure I loaded up on Gatorade for the young man. That's the only acceptable beverage when you are a soccer player you know. Looks like his first game will be the end of this month. Spring is here!

Rachel Lynnie has her first track meet this Thursday. She's not super excited about it. They've only had about 6 days of practice so far. She said that her and her friend Carly are the slowest. Poor baby girl. While Alec was practicing yesterday at the soccer field, Rachel and I took advantage of the time and walked the track (at East) together. She would run and practice the hurdles. She forgot to change into shorts before we left, so it was difficult in jeans, but she tried.

Might as well update you on Matt's truck. He and John took off the windshield yesterday. John had me stop at the music store after work on Monday to get some piano string. I guess that is what you use when you do that sorta thing. The music store didn't have piano string and suggested guitar string. They said people come in on occasion and buy it for that same purpose. On the way to the bus this morning I asked Matt about how it went with the windshield yesterday. He told me that the string had broken but they were eventually successful in getting the job done. He also told me that he was down to one guitar string on his electric guitar. I got a good chuckle out of that.

Having kids is fun, isn't it? Not dogs though, no, not fun.


Anonymous said...

Nope, nope, not on your life could you give that dog away to anyone, especially after that story, does the silly dog think he is a cat.....and as a mother to you I have to say this.....I TOLD YOU SOOOO!! Dogs will make you crazy.

Now on to my grandchildren, Josh that is so cool, your very own coffee maker, he is a hard workin' guy. And his wife-to-be (tee hee) oh I love her too. (She needs to remember Grammy though, only kiddin' LOL)

My Rachel Lynnie, oh don't worry about being the best, just have fun with it. I am proud of you.

Alecky snoodle, good luck with your soccer, let Gram know about your games and when they will be, I will be at some.

Mattie, well any day now I expect a call telling me your coming to visit me to show me your new hotrod! Whee hoo and away we go for a ride.

Love my grandkids so much, and my dear daughter, you know how I feel about dogs......

Kristie1225 said...

Don't ask me, I have enough dogs!!! You wanted him, you keep him!

I am so telling on you for stealing some of Josh's coffee that his girlfriend bought him! You are in BIG trouble.

Dang, I need to get me a programable coffee maker. I'd love to wake up to the smell of fresh coffee everyday! What is that commercial???? Folgers?? Mmmmmmmmmmmm Drinking some Folgers right now. Yummy!

Ray Ray Girl told me about track. I told her good luck with that! Track it tough! She is a tough cookie, she'll do just fine.

Schaml, too bad you and Daniel weren't on the same soccer team. That would be too cool. Daniel's first game is tomorrow!!

Before we now it, Matthew will be cruising around in his truck. How proud he will be do say that he rebuilt it with John. How awesome. Maybe I'll have to do this with Daniel someday. Think I'll be able to take apart a truck and put it all back together? hahahahah NOT

If you find someone that wants Oliver, ask if they wanted a ding dong long haired chihuahua name ECHO. I'll pay them to take his barking fool self!

Anonymous said...

Loved the update on the gang. Miss Tammy is saying "Praise the Lord" to the coffee for Josh; I can worry a little less. Hats off to Matthew for his good business sense and ambition! Rachel gets an applause for stepping into a new challenge. (Miss Tammy was always too chicken.) Go for the goal, Alec, and have fun! (Miss Tammy misses watching the boys play soccer.) And to the mom who takes pride in her children -- "may they rise up and call you blessed." (Prov. 31)

Shari said...

I'll have to have the kids read these. They usually don't, but since it refers to them I'll show them.

Thanks for all the warm fuzzies. My kids are loved.

Your last comment made me tear up Tammy Joy.