Josh went right from high school to working full time. When I got up early the other morning, I watched him finish packing his lunchbox, put on his work boots and away he went. Typically, he works five and a half days a week and with church on Sundays, sleeping in is not much of an option for him. And he is like his Mom, he LOVES sleep.
The other night after dinner, Josh wanted some ice cream. He has always been a huge ice cream lover. Especially chocolate peanut butter. I needed to go to the store to pick up something for Matt, so Josh, Krista and I headed to Rite Aid together. On the way back, as I sit in the backseat of his car, he pops in a burned cd and says, "Since we have Mom with us, we'll play some Mom music for her", and I'm thinking "Awwwwww". For a 1/2 second. Then I ask, "What are you really putting in?" He doesn't have to answer as the rap music begins to blare. Nope. Not for me. He is laughing. Krista fights to turn it down for me and Josh turns it back up, smiling at me in the rear view mirror. Stinker. At least the rapper is proclaiming Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Krista and Josh became a couple nine months ago. They are pretty much inseparable. I remember those days. He spends a few days a week at her house after work and they will also spend a couple of days out of the rest of the week over here. They like simple things like: watching tv together, going out to eat (not as much as when they first went out) and basically just enjoying time together. I like it when they have plans with another couple to go out together, like Steve & Denae and Dave & Sarah.
Josh told me a week or so ago that his plans are to live here until he gets married. He doesn't really want to move out into his own place. Why wouldn't he?
Very recently he announced that due to the high gas prices he would get a mountain bike and start riding that to work. I think its about a 9 mile ride one way. Its not the distance as much as the way of the roads: hilly, winding with cars that move at very high speeds. This made for one very worried Mom. The more I showed my concern, the more adamant he was that he WAS going to do this.
He did it once. Since then he has taken several long bike trips with friends. I'm talking 40 mile, all day bike rides. I asked him the other day, "What ever happened to you riding your bike to work?" He told me, just as we tried to tell him, "It's exhausting!" Thank you Jesus.
Since he has had no time off at all from working since he began working full time a year ago, he is looking so forward to our trip to the Keys, which is in one week.
I'm proud of this young man who is my first born. He is a pretty neat guy.
Yes, your first born certainly is one to be proud of. Little did we know that he would be where he is in life, and all because of the Lord in his life. The JOB God blessed him with, and of course, meeting his future wife (tee hee) in CHURCH, which Grammy prayed like crazy. (thank you Lord for putting her on my heart for Josh) I don't know about anyone else, but my prayers were answered. Thank you again, Krista, for Loving Our Joshua and coming into our lives. (Joshua, you picked a good one, Thank you Jesus)
Mommy Shari, you always do such a wonderful job in affirming your children. You are an awesome Mom.....sniffle, sniffle.
Oh and I LOVE YOU Josh-U-a, Very very very very muchoooooo!!!!
Josh takes after John as far as being a hard worker. As his Aunt, I am so proud of how he has grown into a, GULP, man. Holy cow that was hard to type. man, man, man, man, man. For real, can't we shrink him back down to like 5???
He is never to grown to give his Aunt a hug, no matter who is around. I love this about you Josh!!
And yes, I must agree, we are very blessed that he has found such a wonderful girlfriend, Krista. Little did I know 4 years ago, when she sat in the way back seat of my van, reading her book, on our way to youth convention, that she would end up dating Josh.
They make a very cute couple! :)
PRAISE JESUS - no mountain biking to work anymore!!!
It seems like Josh just graduated, now Stephen, and soon Luke and Matt. Man! Someone stop the clock! (By the way, whose the kid in the picture in desperate need of a haircut? LOL)
Josh is the neatest guy! I love the fact that he is so sensitive and courteous. He's always been a joy to have around, and I'm grateful for all the time we had with him before someone stole his heart. LOL
I would never have imagined when 8year old Krista used to write me notes and bring me gifts that 3 years later we would buy a house where I would have a neighbor with a grandson seemingly made just for her. Wow! Have we ALL come a long way!
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