My Matthew will be sixteen years old in two days. Wow. He's going to be driving, and he cannot wait. I'm excited for him, of course, but its another worry for me as a mother.
This is one hard working guy. He has put so much time into this truck project. He has been spending so much time in the garage sanding the body, getting it ready for paint. I'm so proud of his efforts. He will be so proud of this great accomplishment.
He is very excited also to get a job. He's been wanting to work to save some money, but its hard to find a job before you are sixteen. He will be going and talking to Josh's old boss at the Foodland soon, so maybe he'll be working there to start. I'll be so proud to walk in the store and see my second son working hard, if he ends up there.
Matt is back into skateboarding. Not "hard core", but in the few moments he has for fun, while not working on his truck, he is enjoying the old tricks. For his birthday, he picked out a new skateboard and hopes to take it to the Keys on vacation. He picked up golfing last summer and wants to do more of that also. He looks forward to driving himself to the golf course or driving range soon.
This kid is so easy to please. Whenever he gets something, anything, he is SO appreciative. He always has been. I'm not talking BIG items, just simple stuff.
He is also one-track minded. This too he has always been. When he wants something, he goes after it 100 %. This he has proven over and over.
This guy has a 1,000 watt smile and I love to see it. He has big plans for the evening of his birthday and since those plans have been made, his smile has been huge. Its fun seeing him excited, because he doesn't hold back.
Whatever he decides to do in life, I know that he will work hard to excel in it.
This once extremely strong-willed little boy has grown into a fine young man.
Mattie Jake, what an awesome young man you have become. Shari, everything you wrote about him is sooooooooooo true. I have never seen a young guy be so driven on any project like he is. When he does find work outside the home, just as Josh did, they will truly appreciate what a hard working guy he is. I know that when Matt was very little we worried so over his attitude (nothing bad, just a typical rebellious little boy), but he has turned into one of the kindest, neatest, hard workers... with a million dollar smile kid, that I know.
One that surely brings me to tears everytime. I am so overwhelmed with pride for him right now, and much of it is because of God being in his life. Always keep your heart focused on the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart Matt. We love you so much.
Shari, again you are such a wonderful Mother that loves every part of who your children are. You also have amazed me. It brings me to tears always as I read how you admire and adore each one of them. Thank you, my dear daughter, for loving God first and allowing yourself to be the Mother of your children that I am in awe over. You have made me proud so many times in what you have done in your life, but you as a Mother really have my admiration......I Love you, Shari Lynn, for all that you have become in life. I am very proud to be YOUR Mother. xoxox
Matthew does indeed have a dynamite smile! (Borders on mischievous at times. LOL) It is so strange to think of him as a 16-year old driver with a job. Life sure has changed in the last five years.
Although it is difficult to channel that FOCUSED energy when they're little, it is such an asset as they grow older and especially as they follow God. Anything will be possible for him if he is able to keep his priorities in line. He's a keeper!
Happy Berfday on Fursday, Maffew!
You're like...the bomb!
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