Realizing that we should've worn jackets to the zoo when it was far cooler outside than I had planned for and it was rainy. But then the sun came out. Yay!
Cancelling our phone line that we've had since 1997 thinking Vonage would be great. NOT. After plugging in the new box to our ethernet doo-hickey, taking the blue wire and plugging that into the blue spot on the box, careful to only put the other wire from the other wire to the yellow spot indicated on the box, following the instructions to a T, and spending no less than one hour on the phone with Vonage, it didn't work. So, they immediately sent us out a new box. That box was faulty. Well, the new box wasn't faulty, but after the whole ridiculous routine of plugging and unplugging, it still didn't work. John called AGAIN and got no where. So we cancelled it. I'm going to be calling around tomorrow to get a normal phone service again. Maybe even get lucky and get our "old" phone number back. Stay tuned.

Trying to order a pay-per-view movie last night with the kids to no avail. That's cause we DON'T have a PHONE line that is needed. Nice.
Waking up yesterday morning with a horrible sore throat. Losing my voice yesterday. Coughing. Hacking. Sinus drainage. Waking up again this morning feeling horrible. Diagnosis: Sinus infection. Nice. Prescription: Amoxicillin. Whew. Anticipated outcome: Feeling way better in 24-48 hours. Just in time to, you know.

Actually, I'm very blessed. I don't have much to complain about. But it doesn't hurt to whine every once in a while.
I am so glad to see that there wasn't much to complain about, the things you did complain about were like major VALID points ..... a tree about to be uprooted, is not cool. A sore throat JUST before vacation is not cool, but fortunately is was before and not during, whew. But what amazes me is you looked at the bright side and said that you were really very blessed. That my dear is what is important.
Hope you feel better.....and wheeewhoooooo vacation time begins S A T U R D A Y....!!!!!!!
Oh yeah, the phone thing.....Wasn't going to say much but.,.....Vonage is a joke. I have not heard one good thing about it. I really, really hope you will be able to get your old number back.
Oh the lessons we learn!!
Good thing you posted this blog before Thursday morning or it might have been much longer. LOL! When you're basking in the Florida sun and taking in the beauty of the Keys and watching your family relax and just enjoy being together, none of these unpleasant things will matter a bit. HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME! You'll be missed.
Funny. Tammy you commented me when I just push "publish" for the next post. You'll enjoy that.
What a crack up! I spoke too soon . . . like 5 minutes too soon! LOL
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