So that is what she did. She made a card and had everyone at home sign it. I loved it!
Fast forward to last Sunday evening.
"Mom, I need to get some supplies for an extra credit project," she told me.
So her and I went to Wal-Mart in search of these needed supplies. She is on the honor roll and doesn't want her slipping science grade to affect that.
Anytime you go to the store, you always find other things you need. So I threw in my cart: coffee, wipes and some low-fat snacks. She then asked me, "Oh! I want to go and look at picture frames." She is such a photographer, I understood the need for her to get the multi picture style frame to put some pictures of her and her friends in. Trying to stay in her budget, we choose a simple one that allows five pictures. Perfect. Away we go, home with our few bags of goodies.
A few days pass. We came home from her orthodontist appointment yesterday and she remembers that she had actually left the Wal-Mart bag that had that picture frame in it in the car. She brings it in and after eating diner, she begins taking it apart to work on it.
John and I are discussing our vacation plans at this point. My mind is completely focused on our airline tickets, especially after checking our itinerary online and finding out that one of our flights has changed and is getting us into Miami an hour and a half later than originally planned. So now, my mind is no where else, except focused on a possible problem. Typically, when the kids ask a question or need me during times like that I tell them curtly, "Not now, I'm busy!"
Rachel asked me where she could get some pictures from and did I have a box of doubles or anything? I directed her and remained on task.
She shows me her work in progress. She has dressed up the once simple frame with cute floral stickers. "Cute!" I tell her, also adding, "Rachel, that is going to turn out so nice."
How can our flight time change so drastically I am thinking...
"Mom? Can you come here?" Rachel asks from the kitchen. I get up and go see what she needs. She hands me a card that says: "Happy Birthday Mom, I wanted to get you something! I love you, Rachel"
THE PICTURE FRAME IS FOR ME. She picked out three photos of her and I together and two of her by herself (that she knows I absolutely love). She did such a great job.
I instantly thought and even told Rachel, "You are so much like me. I was always doing stuff like this for my Mom."
See isn't it great to be a MOM....and turning 40. Look at how blessed you are. Rachel is old enough to really start enjoying the girly things between a Mother and daughter. I know it well. And Shari trust me, I treasure all the little notes and cards you ever made me. Some that I still have and cherish....Now you have much to cherish with your own daughter (sniffle, sniffle) and it will bring soooo much joy to you. (I even cried when I read my thank you note from you the other day) See it will always be special between a Mother and her children, NO matter how old they become!!!! are so precious!!
Just lately I've been thinking about how much I really enjoy spending time with Rachel and how close and connected we really are with each other.
A few times lately when she has been away at a friend's, I've noticed that I've really missed her presence.
She is a gem.
Wow, I totally over used the word 'really'.
You know what I mean.
Who cares, its MY blog!
I absolutely LOVE the pictures she picked out. I want to turn back the time and have her little again....ohhhhhh she is sooo darn cute!!!!!!!
Okay, who pushed the grow up button on her....????
Wow! Makes all those high-adrenalin, bouncin-off-the-wall days in the past all worth it, huh! How cool that Rachel has inherited her mom's and her grammy's flare for putting things together so classy and beautiful.
Note to Rachel Lynnie: Awesome job! Reminder that Aunt Kristie and Aunt Tammy have no daughters. Hint! Hint! LOL How 'bout sharin' the love, ya know what I mean?
Oh our Rachel, how we love and enjoy her!! I am so glad she and I are so close. I enjoy spending time with her and doing fun, GOOFY and CRAZY stuff together.
She is for sure a Treasure!!
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