Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Past

1995 - Josh (6) Matt (3) Rachel (3 mo)

1998 - Josh (9) Matt (6) Rachel (3) Alec (1 1/2)

1999 - Josh (10) Matt (7) Rachel (4) Alec (2 1/2)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

For Your Bowl Only

Have you heard about it? Seen it? Smelled it?

Is it in your toilet bowl?

Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel.

You've seen the commercial. Using a very simple gadget, you "stamp" the gel onto the inside of the toilet bowl and flush after flush, the fresh scent is released.

Now I'm speaking mostly to you MOB's. That's "mother of boys". You know, our sweet little boys/young men make a bathroom...well, not so fresh.

Today, after stamping each of the three toilets, I went back into each bathroom to collect the trash. Before my discovery of this gel stamp, I would hold my breath as I bent down near the base of the toilet to grab any Q-tips, dental floss and tissue that didn't make it into the trash.

Imagine my surprise when I bent down today and actually enjoyed the fragrant toilet bowl! The pleasant citrus scent was a refreshing change.

Get it, use it and enjoy!

Monday, December 8, 2008

His Hart

Everytime I hear the song by Toby Mac, "I Was Made To Love You", I think of Rhonda Hart. I remember how much she loved that song.

She was formerly and very well known as "Rockin Rhonda" on the rock station WRIF back in the day. I will remember her as the on-fire-for-Jesus radio personality on wmuz. She was 1/2 of the "Jon and Rhonda in the Morning Show". She had such a powerful testimony and was always sharing her love for Christ with people. In both her words and actions.

Sadly, she passed away unexpectedly in June of 2007 at 46 years of age.

Toby Mac's song came on this afternoon and it made me think of her. So I did a search and found this great site that has been set up as a tribute to her.

I encourage you to visit that link and read the page that you are brought to. It will bless you. It talks about what she was like and even the morning of her last radio show -- how she was worshipping the Lord during one song in particular....and that the song was about someday being in His presence. Wow.

Here also is the Toby Mac song:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thank You, Kind Woman

Someone does something nice for you and you do something nice for someone else. Pay it forward.

On several occassions, I have completely enjoyed purchasing someone else's coffee at the drive thru window at Tim Horton's. That someone else being whoever is in the vehicle behind me at the time. Driving off, I would have a smile on my face, knowing that they would be nicely surprised when they found out.

Imagine my complete surprise when I pull up to the drive thru window yesterday morning to pay for my coffee and bagel and the guy informs me that the person before me paid for my order. My order. Someone else. WOW. I was stunned. Thats what I do, never expecting that someone would also do that for me.

As I drove off, with a smile and a tear (literally), all I could think of was how this unknown woman had made my day. That simple gesture meant so much to me.

And I am pretty positive that it probably made her day as well.

That is the effect that it has on both the giver and receiver in random acts of kindness.

It makes me think of the simple things that you and I could do for others, without recognition, that would make such a difference in someone else's day.

Do something nice for someone else today.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Snow Day

Its that time of year again. Looking forward to a snow day.

My kids were due to go back to school today after having all last week off for Thanksgiving.

Now that we have had snow and with any hint of a snow storm, me and the kids start dreaming of a snow day. I'm checking the weather tracker online, walking to the back patio door and flipping on the light to see how much, if any, accumulation and then listening to one of the kids, "Oh man, I hope tomorrow is a snow day." Over and over. Repeat. Like the directions on the bottle of shampoo. Do this and this and then repeat. That is us, hoping for that blessed snow day.

I like snow days too. Snow day = sleeping in for me. I LOVE sleeping in. Plus, not getting up and making sack lunches. That whole rush thing. Don't love it.

And then this morning comes. While still very much half asleep, I get up and turn on the local news, reading all of the school closings at the bottom of the screen. I'm waiting for our area to show up. Rachel is in her robe just out of the shower with her cell phone in her hand. She shows me a text from the neighbor girl. It says, "No school today. Snow Day!" I'm like, cool.

Then Matt comes in my room and pops the big sleep/stay home bubble, "We DO have school."

I double check on the television and indeed, our area doesn't show up on the school closings list.

JUST to make sure, Rachel and I hurry down to the computer to check the school district's website. Okay. Yes. School. Bummer.

Everyone kicks into gear and gets ready.

Matt is very tired and pours himself a cup of coffee, saying he needs it desperately this morning. All four of my kids enjoy a cup of coffee with some flavored creamer...they got that from their Momma. Just not every day.

I'm in the kitchen packing lunches. I hear, "Oh!!!!", like something is wrong. Like, "Oh crap!"

I remember that Matt is sitting at the computer drinking his coffee.

Big bummer. He spilled it ON the keyboard.

Long story short: the keyboard died and I had to go to the store and fork out extra cashola for a new one. And not the cheap kind either. Has to be one that is compatible with our Mac. Of course they only had one to choose from.

Of course.

If only it had been a snow day.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dear Santa,

This Christmas I would like:

1. You to drop bags of cash on everyone's doorstep...(except the Big 3's Executives, of course). No singles, fives, tens or twentys please. Just the big boys. They spend better.

2. The magic diet pill of all diet pills. Have your elves come up with one that would make you instantly 30 or so pounds lighter. While they are at it, they might as well come up with a magic yucky taste pill too. That way all food would taste yucky. Yeah. That is what I need. Only eat for survival. Not enjoyment. Enjoyment bad.

3. A maid. She would cook, clean and do laundry. An "Alice" type.

Thanks Santa, you're the best.

Where In The World Is...

I joined Facebook a few months ago. Actually, I've had it for over a year, but didn't really do anything with it. I was busy spying on my kids on MySpace.

None of my kids are on Facebook. This is Mommy's time.

Man, do I spend the time on there. Know what I'm doing? Besides saying hello, letting people know my every move and commenting on my friends' adorable children, I'm searching for people.

Long lost people. I love it. Believe it or not, not everyone I've ever known has a Facebook. Huh. What's wrong with these people? Don't they know I'm searching for them.

Old neighbors. From every address. Kids I baby sat for a long time ago. Old classmates. Friends of the family. Friends of friends of the family (kidding). A lot of people.

My name is Shari, I'm a Facebook people stalker.

Rachel will look over my shoulder and see a new face on my "friends list".

"Who is that?"

I'll tell her who they are and how I knew/know them.

She can't believe I find people from 10,000 years ago.

She's thirteen. She is ONLY living in the now.

I used to live in the now. Now I live in the "remember when".

It happens to the best of us.

Plus, I want to see what these people look like! 10,000 years is a long time.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Grown Boy

Josh told me a few weeks ago that he and Kevin had made plans to go up north deer hunting. My heart immediately sank. I know, he is nineteen years, two months and two days old.

This is a strange time in a parent's life. Letting go. Realizing that your once baby boy is growing up. Doing his own thing.

What I realized is that he didn't "ask" if he could go. He "told" me that he was going.

There really hasn't been any asking about things in awhile now.

He used to say, "Mom, can I go ________?" "Can I do ________?"

Within reason of course, he now tells me. Don't get me wrong, the things he tells me that he is doing is things I would most likely agree to. He knows his limits for the most part.

But still.

Its so darn hard! Not on him, ME!

Hunting was something he did in the comfort (for me) of being with Dad, PaPa and brothers. Safe. Dad drove, set up camp and watched over him.

This weekend: Josh drove, set up camp and has no one watching over him.

Thank God for all the experiences that he has shared with his Dad when it comes to hunting. I would like to believe that John has taught his boys well in that area.

Its the driving and other hunters out there that worries me so much.

I texted him before I went to bed last night, because he and Kevin were sleeping out in a tent at a campground. "Are you cold?"

I didn't get a response until first things this morning. He said that they didn't get cold because of the extremely warm sleeping bags that they took and that it didn't rain.

I'm thankful for cell phones and I'll be glad when he pulls into the driveway tomorrow.


All you mothers out there with young children, your day is coming. It happens so fast.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lukewarm - Not So Good

"I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience

While I’m waiting
I will serve You
While I’m waiting
I will worship
While I’m waiting
I will not faint
I’ll be running the race
Even while I wait"
~from John Waller's "While I'm Waiting"

(If you are like me, you will search YouTube for the video and listen. Its wonderful)

I wrote this post for myself. God was speaking to me. In obedience, I wrote it. Its for all of us.

I love a good cup of coffee. You know, with all the cream and sugar. But I also enjoy my coffee hot. As soon as it begins to get lukewarm, I either have to zap it in the microwave or just dump it out and get a fresh, hot cup. There is nothing tasty about lukewarm beverages that are supposed to be served hot.

My husband likes a hot shower. I'm talking hot. Too hot for me, but just right for him. If I get in after he has taken a shower, I have to immediately move the dial to something a little more comfortable for me. In between hot and warm, otherwise I'm saying aloud, "Ouch! Too hot!"

Something comfortable for me.

Otherwise I'm saying, "Ouch! Too hot!"

Something comfortable for me.

Otherwise I'm saying, "Ouch! Too hot!"

I have not made a mistake in repeating these sentences. I am emphasizing these statements.

Read them as many times as you like. Maybe they will speak to you. They are speaking to me.


How close is too close?


If someone is speaking to me, I have my own "comfort zone", my own "personal space". Most all of us do. Once someone invades that space, we become a little uncomfortable. Whether its their breath *smile* or just that uneasy feeling that you get, its too close. For comfort.

I love to be comfortable. When the weather is hot, I like to be cool. Sitting in my air conditioned house or swimming in my pool out back, both are very nice on hot summer days. Cool.

When its cold outside, I like to be warm. Cozy. Put on some comfy clothes. Sit by the fire. Warm.


We do the same with God.

You know. Do the comfortable routine. What makes us feel good. Not too hot.


Not too close, for we might "smell" His breath *smile*.

But wait, don't we sing that song, "Jesus! Light of the world, breathe on us, breathe on us...."

Then He breathes on us.

What happens when He does that?

Do we get shivers up our spine? Fall back in love with Him. For that moment. We may experience that "hot" moment. Saying, "Oh God! I am yours! Do your work through me! For your Kingdom!"

And then we get tangled. Pulled.

Its no surprise to Him. He has dealt with it since the beginning of time.

But then beckons us, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land..." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Isn't that what we need? His face. Forgiveness. Healing. His love. Its so abounding!

In the thesaurus, you'll find words that are synonyms for the word "lukewarm".

Such as: indifferent, cool, halfhearted, apathetic, unenthusiastic, tepid, perfunctory, noncommital, lackadaisical, laid-back, unenthused, couldn't-care-less.

But God also has some very strong words in Revelation 3:15-22 about being lukewarm. This is a place that we, as Christians, His people, do not want to find ourselves.

15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!

16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

17You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.

18I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

19Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.

20Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

21To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne.

22He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."

Now is not the time to be comfortable. Don't look to the world. It has nothing to offer. Seek Him. Because in Him, you will find rest. You will find strength.

It might not be comfortable. That's another post.

But He wants to do something through His people.

Now is the time.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Put Them On

I know I've posted quite a few videos lately. I ran across this and found it incredibly eye opening. See what a difference it makes in your thinking next time you go out of your house.

President Heffernan

Doug Heffernan for President 2012.

Would'nt that be great!

Instead of the "share the wealth" jacked-up philosphy, he would encourage "share the laughter".

Wouldn't that be fun?

He would tell our enemies "Shuttie!"

Love it.

And Carrie as the First Lady...perfect.

You could hear her telling the people, "Freakin' get off your lazy butts and get a job!"

And Arthur. Let's see....well here, let's see what Wikipedia says about him:

Sarcastic, brash, and always scheming, Arthur lives in the basement of Doug and Carrie's house. Quick to take offense, he shouts frequently and often unnecessarily, and often comes up with absolutely absurd, irregular or illogical money-making scams.

Arthur frequently makes bizarre claims (for example, that he invented the moist towelette, and claiming that Charles M. Schulz based Charlie Brown on Arthur's life). He also steals change from Doug's nightstand.

Arthur is a steadfast socialist, and supporter of the communist nations around the world. In the episode "Steve Moscow" he claims that the Soviet Union was a "workers' paradise," and in the episode "Strike Out", he says that he was once enrolled at a socialist summer camp. In one episode, Arthur and Spence hatch a plan to invent and market a revolutionary new backpack. When Spence suggests that they outsource the labor to save money, Arthur reacts angrily, stating that "Unipack will be made in America, by good labor union workers!" When Doug goes on strike, Arthur almost kisses him out of pride, and when Doug takes a scab job at a school as a substitute teacher, Arthur grows disgusted with Doug, saying "Whatever helps you sleep at night you (rhymes with bouche)."

Along with the banning of Halloween, Arthur also attempts to ban a long list of other things from the Heffernans' house, including red pens, soft cheese, non-American VCRs (but not DVD players), mentioning Franklin D. Roosevelt's paralytic illness, and miniature Kit Kats.

Just thought I'd throw that in for some good chuckles. It always makes me feel better.

Monday, November 3, 2008


This is such a wonderful new song. I was so touched by it.

Praising My Savior

In what seems like the such perilous times, HE gives me comfort. Thank you Jesus.

Blessed Assurance

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Way Back When

As we were admiring his little brother on my blog, Mason exclaimed, "When I was a little boy, I was on the P-quter."

When HE was a little boy, says this four year old.

And I LOVE how kids say computer. Rachel and Alec always called it a "puter".

There Mason, you are now on my P-quter, spaghetti stain around the mouth and all.

Greenfield Village

Alec and I went to Greenfield Village on Halloween with his school. Not only was the weather nice, but him and I "broke away" from our group, so it was just him and I. Let me tell ya, I thoroughly enjoyed that. Alec and I haven't spent that much quality time together in a long time.

Inside the "J.R. Jones General Store"

This store was originally on Dixie Hwy in Waterford.

Quaint little english style home.

Covered bridge and pond made for a great photo shot.

Edison's workshop.

View of the street in the village.

He got a mini harmonica in the gift shop.

We loved watching the glass blowing.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Truck, Truck and Yet Another Truck

Matthew Jacob is the proud owner of another truck.

1993 Chevy S-10, a.k.a. "winter ride".

He still has truck #1 and truck #2.

Truck #1 is almost finished, but now he isn't in a hurry to get it on the road.

Truck #2 is still parked out by the pool. As soon as the cost of scrap metal goes back up, its going to scrapyard heaven.

Truck #3 is a manual and he LOVES it. He has never driven one before, but John talked him into it. Think: cheap gas and FUN for a guy.

John gave him a brief lesson Saturday. Later in the day, Josh and Matt took turns "practicing" up and down the road. I guess it was a riot and they both loved it.

Now Josh wants one.

I'm thinking I need a parking lot. Soon.

Picture to follow later, but I'll let you know what it looks like: its white and rusty, with stickers all over the back window.

You might be a redneck....

Basement Furniture. Not.

John's Mom asked me the other day if I knew of anyone that needed furniture, or perhaps, would I be interested in the "couches" that Tim needed to get rid of.

Tim, is a man, obviously, and I had no idea what his taste in furniture was.

We finished our basement several years ago, but have never furnished it. Except for that one chair that I've had my whole married life, that hasn't had legs on it for years!

So, I'm thinking sure, we'll take it. We would really like to have furniture in our basement. I don't care what it looks like.

So while I'm in the shower Saturday, Tim and his son deliver the furniture and John helps them put it into the basement. I try and peek out the upstairs bathroom window to see what it looks like. Can't see.

After I get dressed, I go downstairs and practically scream! It is BEAUTIFUL furniture! My mind immediately tries to process this whole thing. I LOVE it. This is NO basement furniture. My upstairs furniture is basement furniture! I've got it set in my mind within minutes, this is coming upstairs.

So Saturday, John and Josh switched the furniture for me.

We love it.

These pictures don't even do them justice. The color was MADE for my living room. The couch is so wide and deep = comfy. John wasn't sure about the "cleopatra" style piece, but now he really likes it.

We all love them.

We are in love with our new furniture.

Friday, October 24, 2008

This Week on "The Wallstons"

I've been blogging about this and that and not so much about family lately.

So here's what we have all been up to.

John's Mom got married last Saturday! She is now "Mrs. White". After a very difficult and trying time in her life three and a half years ago, we are so happy to see her find someone that she loves and has so much fun with. They are like two nineteen year olds.

Speaking of nineteen year olds, Josh and Krista are coming up on their "14 month anniversary". Dating, not to be confused with marriage. She is living in Birmingham and the distance is driving them both bananas, but they seem to have adjusted pretty well. Josh is still busy working 5 1/2 days a week, taking a class at the community college and trying to balance everything else out. We had a wonderful conversation last night and I just am so proud of him.

Matt's truck is still a work in progress. Poor guy. He wants so badly to get that thing on the road. Between school, work and church, it doesn't leave him much time to work on it. Seems like there isn't too much left to do, but enough that keeps him from driving it. He is now looking for a "winter ride", because he doesn't want to drive his "salt-free" ride on the very salty winter roads. He is still working at Mickey D's. He is the grill-man or the guy who serves up your order at the drive-thru window. He is my 1,000 watt smile Mattie Jake. Can I still call my sixteen year old that?

Rachel got her braces put on a few weeks ago. She is adjusting to them pretty well. I felt so bad for her at first. All she could eat was yogurt and mashed potatoes. And everyone that has had braces can relate to that. I dread her next appointment, which is in mid-November. That is when they tighten them up. Ugh. She was in Ethel's wedding last week. She got her nails and hair done for the special occasion. Pretty soon we will be keeping her locked up in a closet, with a sign that reads, "no boys allowed - ever".

Alec, Alec, Alec. He got hurt on the playground at school yesterday. Wrong place at the wrong time. While he was walking under a piece of playground equipment, a boy jumped/fell on top of his back. He lost his breath for a minute or so and complained of his back hurting. I had to pick him up from school. And trust me, I know it hurt, but any complaint/ailment from him is a major deal. The baby.

John is so funny. He is very busy evangelizing and conservatizing his co-workers. He will tell me conversations that he has had with many of the guys. Go John! In a world gone mad, its an exciting thing for people to stand up for truth.

Me, I've been very busy Facebook-ing it. I am looking up long-lost family and friends. So far, I've found four cousins. One that lives in the Virgin Islands that I haven't laid eyes on in probably twenty years!

And now, on to our sponsor:

Electoral College - Huh?

Most people don't pay too much attention to politics. I never used to.

This morning I found myself READING THE U.S. CONSTITUTION. That's right, you are not seeing things.

Stranger things have happened, I know.

I have never really understood the election process. I'm still not exactly clear on the whole Electoral College thing.

But I did find this very cool site. You can look up who ran against who and also who one in each presidential race dating back to 1789! Super cool.

If you are interested and strive to be more like me, (just kidding) go to:

And hey, don't knock me for becoming more interested in this thing called politics.

We should all be more informed.

There will be a pop quiz on Monday.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Good Friend, J. Hussein

Let me set the scene.

The five of us are driving to church in the van. John is driving, I'm in the passenger seat, with Matt behind John, Rachel behind me and Alec all the way in the back.

The stereo is on, but not too loud.

Both Matt and Rachel have their iPods connected to their ears, listening to their own music.

John and I are commenting on the political signs on the way. Counting them. Two Obama, eight McCain. One Obama, three McCain.

Matt says, "Obama bin Laden".

Now I know, that is not very respectful. But I must admit, seeing "OBAMA _ BIDEN" is pretty close and Alec and I have been saying it on the way to school in the morning when we see that sign.

So I am trying to include Alec in the conversation, but its difficult because he is in the very back and the music is just enough to have to repeat some things to him. Talk louder.

Somehow, in talking about Obama, it turns to his full name. To correct the bin Laden.

I say, "Barrack Hussein Obama".

Matt takes off one of his ear pieces and says, "DID YOU SAY JANELLE'S MIDDLE NAME IS HUSSEIN?"

John and I break out into hysterical laughter.

Is that a crack up or what!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Super Soup Supper

This is what I'm making for dinner today. It is SO delicious. Great for a cool October day, so I thought I'd share.

Enchilada Soup

3 cans chicken broth
2 cans cream corn
2 10 oz. cans red enchilada sauce
1 4.5 oz. green chiles
1 10 oz. can white chicken, undrained
1 cup orzo
1-1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp oregano

Combine broth, corn, sauce and chiles. Mix well. Bring to a boil. Add remaining ingredients. Reduce heat to low and simmer until pasta is tender, about 8 minutes.

Serve with onion, sour cream, co-jack cheese and tortilla chips. "Delicioso Estupendo!"

Thank you Stacy for a wonderful recipe.

I can hardly wait till dinner!

I've Got The Blues

Seeing people mislead. Both in religion and politics. Ugh.

Looking at my house. The work that needs to be done here. Cleaning. Major cleaning. Major organizing. Painting. Ugh.

It's fall. Which means we are spending more time indoors. Which means winter isn't far off. Which means we will spend most all of our time indoors. Ugh.

Speaking of winter. Christmas is coming. Whose got the funds for that? Ugh.

Our family vacation that we looked so forward to was four months ago. Where does the time go? I want to go back. Ugh.

I need more to stimulate my mind at work. Its going to be a loooonnnnnggggg winter there. Ugh.

I'm middle aged. If I live to 80 years of age, I'm half way there. In discussing life with someone recently, I've discovered that we are at the age that weddings, showers and all that are far and few between now. We are the old, married forever with kids crowd. Ugh.

Again, because winter is nearly here, I crave everything starchy. Potatoes, potatoes and more potatoes, then add some macaroni and cheese. Comfort foods. Gotta put on that winter weight...wait, WHAT? I want to eat and hibernate. Wake me up in the spring. Ugh.

Did I mention my kids? Yeah, I know. I do all the time. Hey, its my blog. You know the drill. Ugh.

Thanks for listening.

...What's the date on the calendar? Yep, that's it.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Taxes, Lies and a YouTube Video

From yahoo news this morning:

Obama Launches TV Ad About Mich. Economy
30-Second Political Ad To Focus On State's Job Losses, Foreclosure Rates
POSTED: 5:01 pm EDT October 19, 2008

LANSING, Mich. -- Barack Obama's campaign is launching a new television ad about Michigan's struggling economy.

The Democratic presidential candidate's campaign said Sunday the 30-second ad will highlight the state's job losses and mortgage foreclosures. It calls on Michigan voters to "reclaim our economic future" by supporting Obama and his running mate.

State Republican Party spokesman Bill Nowling said Sunday the GOP is working to sway voters to Republican candidate John McCain by talking about the economy, and that Obama's economic plans will hurt the state.

Michigan's unemployment rate dropped slightly to 8.7 percent in September, but remains higher than the national rate of 6.1 percent. Michigan also has been among the hardest hit states nationwide by foreclosures.

Let me get this straight. Obama, a democrat, thinks he is going to help Michigan? Isn't our fine govenor a democrat? Isn't Detroit's fallen mayor, Kwame, a democrat? Yep, they really made Detroit and Michigan flourish. Since the democrats turned into the majority in the congress almost two years ago, they've also done a fine job with spending and running our economy into a nose dive. Oh, that's right, we are to blame the President for everything bad that happens. Sorry, my bad.

Last night I could've jumped through the television and gave this woman a big kiss.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Well Beat My Biscuits

While watching a tv program the other day, Paula Deen came on and whipped up some monkey bread. I just recently shared that easy recipe with my Dad. I immediately made a note to self, "pick up some can biscuits at the store".

Paula asked if someone would "beat her biscuits", because she is afraid of the noise that it makes when the can bursts open. "POP!"

I started laughing. Only in the past few years has it not bothered me anymore. I used to hate opening biscuits for that same reason. I would extend my arm as far as I could and turn my head in the opposite direction, wincing as I pounded the can on the counter. Halarious.

I LOVE one liners and now want to use this phrase at each opportunity that I can.

'Cause that's how I roll... (no pun intended).

Shock & Awe

As soon as I seen this picture, it made me think of something.

People are shaken up by the now world economic crisis.

Sadly, this will also be the look on people's face when they discover that the message about Jesus, in which they did not believe, is in fact true.

Matthew 24:29-31

"Immediately after the distress of those days"
'the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'

"At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Say What?

Marcia Brady is 52 years old.


Say it ain't so, Joe!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dear Mr. & Ms.

Dear Mr. Deli Style Cheese Packager, Ms. Jar of Peanut Butter Cardboard Sealer, Mr. Liquid CoffeeMate Foil Seal, Ms. Lunchmeat Packager, et all:

You have all made my morning very difficult. Making coffee and packing lunches. I couldn't get your stuff opened!

Don't you realize that in trying to keep your products "safe" and "fresh", that you've made them next to impossible for me to open? With my acrylic nails and all. Please keep that in mind when you attend any upcoming "fresh ideas" meetings. We need change.

(Where have I just recently heard that...oh, that's right, from Mr. Smooth-I've got ALL the answers-Magicpants).


Thank you. It will make my life easier.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


October is Pastor Appreciation Month.

I try and take time to let my pastor and his wife know, here and there throughout the year, that we appreciate them. I do not do it often enough.

Their lives have been so dedicated to the Lord. So. Dedicated.

I think back to the Christmas production that the church had put on back in 2002 that I attended with my kids, Mom and Kristie. Pastor had a salvation call after the service and I had raised my hand, signifying that I did indeed know that I needed Jesus in my life. Little did I know, I would be back in that church in the beginning of March 2003 and my life would then be forever changed.

Soon after, it was after another production put on by the church, that John's Mom accepted Jesus.

The list goes on. Our church is growing by leaps and bounds. John and I are "first time greeters", so we have a chance to talk to visitors before service most times. Last Sunday, I spoke with a young woman, who with her family, has attended several times now and said how much she just loves coming to this church. How the Word is brought forth. I could see the excitement in her eyes.

ALL of the efforts made by these two, along with the church, to show people the way to Jesus. Many, many lives have been touched in the 27 or so years of their ministry together. Their three sons have been raised up to serve as well and oh how they touch the lives around them, including myself.

Don't ever give up Pastor and Tammy! Keep running the race. Your reward will be great when you enter into Heaven, into the wonderful presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thought you might enjoy this.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Josh & Krista Plus Zero

Sorry. Can't resist the temptation to make couples names added with the combination of the number of children they have.

In their case, they have no not one.

Thank God!

This has nothing to do with having kids. Well, at least not the first half of this post.

(breathe a sigh of relief)

Krista has officially moved to a new zip code. Instead of living 30 minutes north of us, she is now 45 minutes, give or take a few, south of us.

I'm sure that we can all agree that it can be a good thing for them. They have been inseparable for almost thirteen months now.

"Absence makes a heart grow fonder". At least that is what they say.

It worked for John and I. Our circumstances were different, we had been broken up for a while and it was during a six week period of no contact with each other that my heart eventually couldn't take it any longer.

Now he goes away for two weeks and I'm like, John who? Just kidding. But twenty years of marriage changes things up a bit.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out for Josh and Krista.

I spent the day with her last Saturday when I took "the girls" to Frankenmuth. The guys had went up north for their annual bird-hunting trip, so I thought it would be fun for Rachel and I to invite Krista for a day of what us girls like to do best. Shop.

This girl definitely cares for my son. I see it displayed often when they are together here at our house. But its another thing to spend time with her and hear her talk about him.

This is the second half ~

While looking at an adorable display of "Snowbabies" in Bronner's, Krista pointed out an ornament that was a large engagement ring with a cute snowbabies couple sitting on it and said, "Ohhhhh! I want that one!". Now you know that I am all about babies and all. I then pointed to the cute little snowbaby that held a baby blanket and said, "Ohhhhhh! I want that one!". We got a giggle out of it, saying how cute it was and all.

Off and on during the shopping trip, she would get a text message from Josh and quickly reply to it. I've come to learn that this is what they do. A lot. She would then share with me most of what was said. "They are doing this..." "They are doing that"...

She then says to me, "I just texted Josh and told him that I want to get engaged and then have a baby!"

Now I'm sure she meant -- get engaged, get married and then have a baby...

Its probably not a good idea that I point out cute, adorable baby stuff anymore to her.

Now let's pray.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Career Woman

Rachel took an online career assessment in her careers class the other day. After going through the test, she was told that her answers lined up best with these three professions:



Stunt Person

Stunt Person? What kind of questions would lead her to that?

*Yes, I like adventure.

*Yes, I do not see any problems with having broken bones.

*Yes, I want to see my name in the credits of a movie, showing that I was the lunatic who jumped from building to building in New York City.

That gave us quite a chuckle.

I'm thinking photographer.

p.s. There is going to be some beautiful teeth behind that camera someday...she got her braces on yesterday.

Give Me Jesus

These are difficult times. So much uncertainty.

This video blessed me and I hope it blesses you.

"You can have all this world, give me Jesus..."

Friday, September 19, 2008

Sleepless in O-Ville

I awoke this morning thinking to the fun evening that is planned for me and the thirty five or so other women.

Its "Ladies Campout Weekend".

No kids, no husbands and quite possibly, no sleep.

I began to panic thinking about bed time. The three women that I'm shacking up with they snore? Oh no, I won't have my box fan/white noise. Getting older, one never knows, especially when away from home, if sleep will come. I seriously try to work it out in my head, I'll just come home late tonight and go back in the morning...

No, I can't do that. It wouldn't be the same. I decide I'm going to stay as planned.

While packing up lunches and stuff for the day ahead, I think to myself, I need some extra help (aka: drugs) to make myself sleep tonight. Hoping for some Tylenol PM or something along those lines, I come across Nyquil liqui-gels. Perfect. I'll take two of those bad boys and hopefully that will do the trick.

Then I got to thinking. How many other women are thinking the same thing? Probably 34 of 'em. I should take some extras. I could then be known as the sleep doctor or the drug dealer.

I got your backs, ladies.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Pretend Child

I had little Micah the other day. He IS in fact a real child, just not really my own. I just like to pretend that he is.

The things that child says and does. He kept me laughing all day. I loved when he needed me to help him with something or hold him, he would say, "help you?" "hold you", in his sweet little voice.

Before I took him, I told Denise, "At church, he can run away from me as I try to love on him, but when I get him for the day, there is no escape for him!" We laughed. And Micah loved every minute of my hugs and kisses, he even laughed as I lovingly mauled him. I'm not kidding, he really did.

Enjoy this one minute peek into the 480 minutes that I had him:
(Notice that one of the first things he says, "I'm at Shari's house")

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Found It!

I have been searching for the artist and also the title of the song that I've heard on the radio, talking about the Glory of God, and FINALLY found it today. Here are the lyrics. After reading them, you can go to his webpage and click on "listen" to this song. (in a search on youtube, I didn't find a very good video)

I Will See Angels by Jeremy Horn

I’ve got a new kind of love inside of me
I’ve got a new kind of hope that let’s me know I’ll see Your face
I’ve got a new kind of promise that’s in You
A promise that is true and will remain

I will see angels ‘round Your throne
I will see all the splendor of
The glory of You, the glory of You
Of You my God

I’ve got a new kind of life, Christ formed in me
I’ve set my eyes on the prize of His glorious face
But greater still I know knowing Him now
Is knowing life eternally

Forgetting all I’ve done and all I’ve gained
My prize will be Your face
Just to hear Your voice say
You have done well, welcome to this place

Monday, September 15, 2008

Rachie & Brookie

Just yesterday...

...and now today

Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Joshua

Not too long ago we celebrated Joshua's 1st birthday.

Tomorrow we'll celebrate his 19th.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

His Glory

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another:
"Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory."
~Isaiah 6: 1-3

I really want to do a study on the Glory of God. Because, I think, before people can understand the truth of the gospel, they must first see a glimpse of his glory.

And oh, that glimpse is so marvelous!


There is a song on the radio, and I haven't figured out who sings it yet, its "Glory to God". Love it. Talks about the angels worshipping around his throne.


If you want to join in, look up another verse that describes His glory and post it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

To Have and To Hoard

According to my Oxford American Dictionary Widget, this is the meaning of Hoard:

"...a stock of valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded."

Today, while stripping beds for the wash, when I lifted Alec's pillow, this is what I found under it:

My son, is a hoarder.

This is not the first time I have found his stash, but it is the first time I've found it in this manner, so neatly assembled and tucked under his pillow.

Quetico Park, Canada

The LORD is my sheperd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restores my soul.
~Psalms 23: 1-3

Praying that our three men will have a time of great restoring and will be brought back safely to us.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Going Green(ish)

Years ago, my sister began recycling. I looked at this as too much work. While at her house I would forget that she recycled, and would go to throw away my recyclable object when she would remind me of her staunch stance on recycling. I'd have to rinse it out and put it where it belonged -- NOT in the trash. What a pain! I decided that it was not for me. Who has time for that?

Over the past several years I have complained to others about just how much trash our family of six produces. I'm talking a bag of garbage a day or two. And let me tell you, its not the sweet little kitchen size bags. I have used the Hefty TRASH bags for a long, long time now. Think large. Lots of trash. Heavy.

I've pictured our trash, combined with the neighbor's trash, combined with the community's trash, combined with, combined with... WHERE does all this trash go? Years of diapers x 1,000,000,000,000 babies in the U.S. alone. What, yearly?

Guilty as charged. My own four babies produced a lot of diapers plus, as a family of six, a lot of trash in general.

We recently switched to a garbage collection agency that also offers recycling. Maybe they all do, I don't know.

Yesterday, I prepared a large plastic bin for my recyclables. Right now there is a small collection of newspapers and magazines in there, as well as one aluminum can, one milk jug and one granola bar box.

We are going green! Well, as my title suggests, probably not "green" but slightly off color. Its a start.

Last winter John installed some of those lightbulbs that supposedly conserve energy. Are you familiar with them? They take a little while to "warm up", so when you first turn on the lights they are pretty dim. Took some getting used to.

Just a few weeks ago I bought the .99 blue Meijer bags to bring my groceries home. Can I tell you how awesome they are. I was bringing home probably fifteen of those plastic bags home every week. If you haven't purchased the reusable bags yet -- DO IT. Go to the store right now and get some. I'll never go back to plastic or paper for that matter. I'm telling ya, these bags rock. (Thanks for another super tip Kristie).

On tv, there are quite a few "green" shows. I was going through the guide looking for something to watch not too long ago and seen "Emeril Green" and when I switched to that channel I found it was Emeril. You know, the only guy in the world with that name, the very recognizable chef. For a moment I thought, is his last name Green?


He's going green. I didn't watch the show, so I have no idea what its actually about. Just thought I'd give you a funny from ONE of my duh moments.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oliver - Part MXIII

Because this is how I roll...says Oliver.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day One

12:10 a.m. a voice whispers, "Mom!" "Mom! I can't go to sleep!"

I am not sure which child is saying this. I sit up a little in bed and realize its Rachel. She is pretty much beside herself. She went to bed early, with hopes of getting a good nights sleep in preparation for her first day of high school.

I go into her room and since I am half-awake, I am not much help in instructing her on what to do. After a minute or so, I offer that she can come sleep on the floor next to my bed. Maybe the "change of scenery" will help. She really didn't want to, but out of desperation picked up her bedding and pillow and followed me back into my room.

Within ten minutes her breathing let me know that she had finally fallen asleep. Now I was the one with the problem...going back to sleep after being woken up. Lately, sleep has become hit and miss for me. And all the women said....

6:07 a.m. - my alarm goes off. Yee-haw, the dreaded first day of school is now here. Already. After a few minutes, Rachel's alarm is going off in her room. She gets up to shut it off and then heads for the shower. Matt's alarm is heard a short time later.

Fast forward to 6:40 a.m. and I'm outta bed. Both Matt and Rachel are pretty much ready to go, with the exception of figuring out Rachel's lunch. After packing it together, her and I, we say our goodbyes and the two of them head out the door -- not to the bus -- to the truck! John's truck, because Matt's isn't quite ready yet. This is so strange. My two middle children heading off to school together, without much of my assistance and without the bus. I watch as they go down the driveway. My babies.

Speaking of baby, Alec's instructions to me is to make sure that he is up at 7 a.m. Gotta get that alarm clock working for him. Our goal is to be on time for school this year. Too many tardies last year.

When I walked out of his school after finding his class and meeting his teacher, who is new this year, I left for town to run errands. Just like every first day of school, I am left thinking, "Wow, I can not believe school is here again. Summer went too fast."

Around 2 p.m. I begin to get excited that Matt and Rachel will be coming home soon. To know that they made it home safely and to see how their day went. To know that my little girl survived her first day of school at the big, scarey, full of too many people high school.

2:16 p.m. My cell phone rings. It says "take a call from Matt". Oh. Panic. What is wrong? He should be driving home.

"Mom, I left the inside light on in Dad's truck and the battery is dead!" he says in his own panic.

"What!? Are you kidding me?" I say, half in disbelief, half in relief that everything is okay.

I have to find someone with jumper cables and run to his rescue. Its 189 degrees outside. That will be fun.

And oh what fun it was.

Here is what happened:

Got the jumper cables and went up to school.
Matt, his friend Macken and Rachel were waiting inside the truck with the doors open.
Its hot.
They are hot and frustrated.
Matt is freaked out that his Dad will be mad.
I reassure him that its okay, things like this happen.
It took SEVERAL attempts to get the truck started.
Couldn't keep it running.
We were at the school for about 45 minutes jumping and revving and jumping and revving and pulling the jumper cables on and off and on and off.
Matt's idea was to "jump and run", which is literally, once the truck is running, pull the cables off and me back outta the way QUICKLY so he can run for it.
He made it half way home.
Had to jump it again. And again.
Made it to the light in downtown, just before home.
The truck pooped out on him again.
We jumped it about FOUR more times.
Keep in mind, he is having to get the truck moving to keep it going.
So we had to time the red/green light and watch out for cars.
Not fun.
It was hot. Did I mention that?
He did eventually make it home.
It was almost 4 p.m. by this time.
Yeah. Good times.
Happy first day of school!

But they were safe. Thank you God.

And Rachel survived just fine. Matt hates school and says its boring. Nothing new for him. Give him a truck to pull apart and put together and he is happy.

His truck should be ready within a week or two.

It was much easier and less stressful long ago when I took Josh, Matt and Rachel to the elementary bus, with little Alec bouncing around in my parked van, waving goodbye.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Girl

She took this photo of herself. It's 1 out of 1,496,752 that she has taken. 'Cause that is what you do now.

I thought it was a good shot and thought I'd share.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The New You - For a Price

Is anyone else sick of being blasted with tv commercials for the new and improved you?

Its rare that you can watch a program on tv without watching several of these completely irritating commercials. You know them.

"Bow Flex", probably the longest commercial. Ever. SO irritating. Hearing this guy talk about giving his fat clothes to his fat friends. Bet his "fat friends" love how they are acknowledged. Its seriously a never ending commercial. Guys with abs that are ripped and shiny. Now that is something you see everyday. On this ridiculously long commercial. I think we all agree on this one.

Guys without that type of body probably don't like that "in your face" type of advertising.

"NutriSystem", another annoying commercial. They even have Billy Jean, the old tennis pro, telling how even SHE can do it, so YOU can do it. Its the same thing, over and over. "Pasta, burgers and chocolate". They all lost the magical 40 pounds. Its that easy. Yeah, right.

Anyone with weight to lose probably loves this "in your face" type of advertising. I especially love it when I'm eating a bowl of ice cream when it comes on. I want to throw my bowl at the tv.

"Bosley", the fix for balding men. Now I admit, I don't see this too often, but I cringe to think of the balding men that would most likely love to have their hair back, but #1 can they afford it and #2 does it really work like they say? The men on the commercial boast about running a comb through their now thick head of hair! Really?

I'm not balding and it makes me uncomfortable watching it.

"Pro Active", the acne treatment that magically makes all acne disappear! Jessica Simpson is proof! Yeah, right. If it was that easy, my son would'nt have had to spend so much time and money on treatment with a dermatologist.

I'm also sick of "Angie's List" commercials. These are not about self-improvement, but about letting people know about different home services out there. I'm really sick of the one with the lady who has her trusted plumber at her house and she is running late from work, but unfortunately, no one told her 2 year old papillon Molly. WHO CARES! Most people know someone that knows someone who is a plumber. Don't need Angie's List, thank you very much.

How about "Head On", which I don't see as much anymore. That commercial made me want to throw my remote at the tv when it came on. "Head On" "Head On" "Head On". It probably said that no less than 10 times in each commercial. Makes me want to write to the their corporate offices to let them know that I will purposely NEVER buy their product due to the fact that their commercials are most annoying.

Oh! I can't believe I almost forgot about this one.

The moving/dancing/flashing ads that appear on web pages. You know 'em. They get your attention by having their cartoonish girls dancing in their dumb ads. A girl dancing all over, so you'll look at the MORTGAGE ad. Another dancing so you'll look at the car insurance ad. Its seriously annoying. Again, I want to let these people know that I will not entertain the idea of checking out their offer due to the annoyance of their ads.

So there.

Maybe I watch too much tv.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Brenda's Testimony

This week a woman came into my work to start the process of getting a monument for her husband. He died tragically exactly one year ago.

Dennis was an iron worker and was on the job when disaster struck. Someone didn't support a heavy steel beam the way that it should have been supported and as Dennis walked just under it, the beam fell and struck him in the back of the neck. He died four days later when they took him off life support. He was 49.

Brenda has paid extra to hold onto his cell phone with his outgoing message still announcing, "This is Dennis, leave a message". She said that she knows the Lord is working in her to let go, but at this time she and the family still likes to be able to hear his voice.

We had a beautiful conversation that afternoon, the last hour of my workday. Brenda told me how she was saved at the age of eighteen. It was the day of prom and she had been invited to go to church with a friend of hers. She decided to accept her friend's invitation instead of going to her prom. A quaint little baptist church, she recalled. It was that night, when she went home, that she gave her heart to the Lord. She said that she had been a smoker and immediately threw them all away. He began immediately working in her life.

She married at a young age and had a little baby boy. A couple of years into her first marriage, her husband was killed in an auto accident. She was thankful that she had the Lord in her life. He is what got her through that.

She met and married Dennis when her son was seven years old. Dennis had two children of his own from a previous marriage. Adam and Sarah. Dennis also knew the Lord.

Tragedy struck this family six years before Dennis' own fatal accident. His son Adam was killed when he fell asleep at the wheel and struck a tree.

Brenda has had to stand by and watch three of her loved ones die. All in tragic accidents. Its more than one can bear.

That is when she said, "Its ONLY with the Lord's help that I have managed to get through it all".

What an amazing testimony she has.

She quoted Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".

God Bless you Brenda.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We Shred - Coming to a Town Near You

I met Janelle back in the winter of 2005. At my former place of employment, I had placed an ad for seasonal help and she was one of a long list of respondents. I called her in for an interview. After a few minutes of chatting with her, I knew immediately that we would become fast friends. She had a super cute hairstyle and perfectly applied lipstick. That is how you KNOW. You just do.

I was supposed to hire seasonal help. People that could perform or be trained to perform tasks that helped us through tax season. Copying, fiing, answering the phone, process tax returns..ect.

Little did I know, this new employee would become one of my best friends, we would go through H-E-double toothpicks in that office together and fly the coop. Thelma and Louise.

Don't get me wrong. The first year was awesome! We had so much fun in that office. Our boss was cool, although sometimes quirky, and we would take in yummy chicken bowls at KFC or the #8 "Swee & Sar Chick" at the local chinese place as we stayed into the late hour giggling and listening to K-Love really loud, all while doing the tax season routine.

One night, it was just her and I. We were probably slap happy tired. I think we were shredding some papers and somehow ended up talking about flying the coop and opening up our own shredding company. We would get a big truck, drive around to big offices and shred away. For some reason, this was HALARIOUS to us.

As I drove to the gas station yesterday morning, stopping to get a car wash before continuing on to work, I seen this big truck with the iShred logo on it. If Janelle wasn't on vacation on an African Safari, I would've called her. It made me think of her and I. The "team" we once were as fellow employees. Our pipe dream. The new "we shred" dream team. Super fun.

I miss those times. Only the good ones though, not the horrid ones.

Maybe someday Janelle, maybe someday.

For now, thanks for being a super-fun-friend.

Friday, August 15, 2008

John & Shari Plus 4

Pretty much everyone knows the show "Jon & Kate Plus 8". For those of you who are in the minority and do not know about it, its a show on TLC that shows a real life couple who had twin girls and then, wanting one more child and with the help of IVF, had SIX more! Not six single births -- SIX at the SAME time. Total amount of children = twin girls along with three boys/three girls/sextuplets.

John and I are pretty much addicted to watching it. It definitely makes our lives seem like a breeze.

This weekend, our family is watching our home videos, hence the title. John came up with the cleverness of it. Isn't he clever? Except it doesn't rhyme like the tv show's charming title.

The similarities with the TLC show and our family is pretty limited.

Both the husband's/dad's names are John/Jon.

Kate is older than Jon, by about two years I think. I'm only about 8 weeks older than my John.

They have three boys. We have three boys. But ours were obviously not born at the same time, like theirs.

Both their family and our family have more than the typical two/three children families in America. But again, our family does not have mulitiples.

It seems that they, like us, attend an Assembly of God based church.

That is where the similarities end.

Jon seems to be second in command most of the time. I like to act like I'm in command, but when it comes right down to it...okay, I am. Just kidding. I'm not. I don't want to be. Okay, maybe sometimes.


Kate is a perfectionist. I certainly am not.

John and I had single birth children, spaced apart by two to three years. A boy, then another boy, a girl and then another boy. Each. By. Themself. Easy.

Their family is on tv, for all the world to see. To enjoy. And pick apart. Ours is not.

What would make people want to watch my family? I'm not sure. Probably nothing. Only other family members and close friends would be possibly interested. Even then, their attention span would probably be limited. Pop in one of those "old" home videos and I am glued. Then I start shouting out to each child as they are displayed on the screen, "Oh look! You were so cute!" "I remember when you used to do that, do you remember?" "John, you remember that, huh?" "Ohhhhh!!!!" "Listen to your voices!" and on and on. For the most part, the kids enjoy watching themselves, but certainly don't relate to it like their mother does.

Time to break out the popcorn and somehow hook up the dust covered VCR.

...We really need to have them transferred to DVD.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Remembering Allison

Today I got up and thought about what I was going to do today.
It's my day off!
Did I want to squeeze a lot in one day, or just sit back and relax, maybe doing a few needed chores.

Today, Beth also got up.
It's a dreaded day for her.

Two years ago today, her beautiful daughter, Allison Paige, lost her fight in a battle against an autoimmune liver disease. She was thirteen years old.

A little older than Rachel is now.

Allison was an active young girl, involved in the JV pom-pon squad, played in the orchestra and was beginning marching band. She had her whole life ahead of her. She was so loved by her mom, dad, sister and brother.

They miss her terribly.

Please say a prayer for this family. Their hearts are broken.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Random Thoughts

I have a headache.
I'm tired.
I wish I could've lost twenty more pounds by now.
I'm glad tomorrow = day off.
I want Micah.
I have a love/hate relationship with white chocolate pretzels, since making them for Stephen's open house.
I am addicted to reading other people's blogs.
I wish my kids were little again (sorry, beating that old drum again).
I miss some of my old friends that I haven't spoken a long time.
I am sick of doing laundry and cleaning my house.
Really sick of it.
I wish I had a maid.
And a cook.
I want to go on vacation again.
I want to always be on vacation.
I can't believe school is starting in three weeks.
I wish everyone I knew or came in contact with would understand and accept God's plan of salvation. Just everybody for that matter.
I love Jesus.
I love singing worship songs to Him.
I love hearing a new song that I immediately fall in love with, and how excited I get when its played on the radio.
I am grateful for everything that I have.
I love my kids so dang much!
My dogs are dirty, they need a bath.
I wish people on the road weren't so rude.
There is so much evil in this world.
But there is so much good too.
Good wins in the end by the way.
Time to go...

Summer 1996

John's mom gave me some pictures again. I briefly looked through some of them last night and couldn't resist sharing these from a camping trip.

Do you see Matthew in the looks like he is gargling his squeeze-it juice! I am quite sure that is what he was doing. That was SO him.

A time when the boys looked and fussed over "sissy".

My little boy...

Once again, I gasp at the time that has gone by.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Goodbye Cletus

Dear Cletus,
I heard that you are going away.
Say it ain't so.
What are we going to do without you?
You are remarkably your own special, hillbilly-bathrobe-wearing way.
Who will carry the plunger (torch)?
Please come back to visit us soon.
We will miss you.
We will miss you.
We will miss you.
We will miss you terribly.


John and I have found ourselves listening on occasion to a radio station that plays a variety of "old" music. We especially enjoy some tunes from the 80's. Takes us back. This also reminds me of my own parents' love for listening to their "old" music back when I was a teenager. I couldn't relate to their love of that old, dated stuff.

Fast forward to the other night, Rachel and I driving home together.

The song "Angel" by Aerosmith is playing. I'm singing the parts that I remember. Rachel can barely stand it and has her hand on the button, ready to change it at any moment. Except that she knows that I'll probably smack her hand and turn it back, so she doesn't. It's posed there as a clear reminder for me to turn it, NOW!

The station is one that shows the artist and title on your car stereo. Usually, either just the title or artist remains for a long time before the other shows up. So it said "Angel" for awhile.

I'm singing along and then the artist's name comes across, "Aerosmith".

Rachel goes, "WHO the heck is that?"

I am cracking up.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Zoo Animals

Kristie and I took Daniel, Johnny, Rachel and Alec to the Toledo Zoo. We also stayed at a new Holiday Inn that has an awesome indoor water park. We had a blast!

We were very impressed with how nice this zoo was. Our favorites were: the aquarium (fabulous), watching the mama polar bear with her two young 'ens up close and the monkeys, who never cease to amaze me. How they lovingly care for one another, they are so cute and fascinating to watch.

Kristie and I weren't sure if we were going to do the whole water park thing. Once we seen the kids in action, we decided to get our suits on and go for it. So glad we did. Three hours of splashing, floating and going through the water tubes was so much fun. We were laughing so much! We climbed the four flights of stairs on the tower over and over to go down the yellow tube, which was very long and actually went outside before coming back into the building.

This big red "bowl" was at the end of the red tube. None of us were brave enough to end up swirling into the bowl before plunging into the pool...except Rachel. Big surprise. My brave girl. She loved it.

Lastly, a picture of our room...disaster! Who cared, not us.