I was asked, "when Starbucks opens, will you choose them over Tim Horton's?"
I have to say probably not.
#1 reason - Starbucks is MORE EXPENSIVE!
#2 reason - I'd probably choose Starbuck's cappuccino's over regular coffee and they are LOADED with calories and fat.
#3 reason - I HATE the set up of where they put Starbucks. I can see the traffic snarl/confusion/road rage already.
#4 reason - I'm a diehard Tim Horton's fan.
I'm drinking one right now :)
1 comment:
Right on Sista Shari...or I mean daughter, shame on Starbucks for trying to compete with a little company like TIM HORTONS. It is me and my Double, double all the way. In fact I am kinda hopeful that there will be one in heaven.
Ohhhhh now that is a nice thought. Youhoooo JJJJJeeeesuuss!!
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