My new bookmark. (click on the photo to see it better)
I found it while going through an envelope of pictures recently.
Matthew is probably five or six and Josh must be nine or ten.
I miss those little boys.
(I know, nothing out of the ordinary for me)
p.s. When I woke up this morning, my dream was still fresh in my mind. Matthew was about three years old and sitting on my lap. I was kissing his sweet little face as he talked to me....
I'm right there with ya, friend. Every time I see the little boys at the church, I see my own at that age and wish I could go back. Just this morning I was remembering the things they used to say. David used to tell me, "You lawt (lost) your point." (I think he meant I missed the point.) If I had only realized then, how little stress I had.
The pictures of Josh and Matthew are ADORABLE! Grammy's heart will melt. I would have enjoyed watching them grow as little ones, but I'm grateful for the time I've had.
I guess we'll just keep dreaming, until we get some grandbabies. :)
Oh I am crying......I miss them being little also. Their sweet little personalities were so enjoyable. Matthew's chubby little face, oh I remember it well. Our little chubba, bubba. And Josh, well he was my first grandchild, and of course him being my first experience of a baby boy....was such a joy. "Gum grammy, got gum grammy". I will never forget their sweet little voices. (okay now I am really emotional.)
Love em' so much!!! They truly are the loves of my life.
Wow, that is my Daniel and Johnny. My little Muffin used to call me Kirrrstie. Johnny's laugh so reminds me of Matthew's laugh at that age. Their laugh is exactly the same. I close me eyes and just picture Matthew back to that age and hear him laughing.
Oh the joy I had with them at that age. Of course, I did not have any kids of my own yet, so I would get them all the time to spend the night with me. So many fun memories.
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